November 16, 2005

IMG Report One Week Later Including Free Parking

I had a chance to actually read through the IMG report. A week later, it really is pretty good. There are some very interesting studies and facts, including:
  • a very good analysis as to why privatization has many obstacles
  • Worcester focus should be on cost-conscious, non-stop leisure travelers
  • great analysis of our catchment area and primary air trade area
  • top markets traveled to

If you have the opportunity check it out at

Initially I was looking for something that would be earth-shattering, maybe some unknown fact that would save the airport overnight. Bottom line is the airport is a business just like any other business and you need to know your strengths and weaknesses then market accordingly, there is no secret formula. The IMG report does a very good job of doing this, although the cost to me does seem high (100K).

I also have to say, it really does validate many of the recommendations that WIP put together last year. Not surprising since many of us are business-owners and look at ORH realistically as a busines. Now is the time to put these recommendations from IMG into action.

One interesting point on page 62: Air Service will need to be well marketed and must off value to passengers:
  • convenience
  • proximity
  • free parking

1 comment:

Alec said...

The city really needs to figure out whether charging for parking will be worth the cost of operating it. I agree that charging initially is a substantial mistake.