January 19, 2006

Follow-up to Airport Chairman Nemeth

There were alot of e-mails (too many) the other day. In case Mr Nemeth missed it Tuesday, I thought it best to resend. Please try and get us the following information/answers/requests:

  1. The most recent qtrly report to the DOT showing how our 455,000 of grant monies have been spent to date.
  2. On top of the 100,000 that we paid for the IMG report, did we contract with them at cost of another 50,000 to prepare presentations to the targeted airlines identified in the IMG report
  3. Can you forward a copy of the 1st monthly parking report (Dec) from LAZ mgmt.
  4. Please make the qtrly DOT grant report and the monthly report from LAZ parking of the monthly meetings.
  5. As of December 31, 2005, we are six months in to this fiscal year can you try to find out how much money we lost so far.

Please note I have e-mailed this to Mr Nemeth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that information is private!!!!

Mike Nesmith (Former Monkey, future airport commissioner)