January 19, 2006

Nemeth's E-Mail War

Title of story in this week's City Desk of Worcester Mag... titled "Rise of the Latino Middle Class." Not on-line yet so here it is:

There's some anonymous crank who keeps sending e-mails to local politicians and media outlets under the name "Charley Farley." He or she is angry about tax funds going to the airport, and clearly has alot of free time, given the frequency of the e-mails. Most folks we talk to say they just delete them, but patience seems to be thinning.

First, city Airport Liaison Phil Nidrrie wrote back when "Farley" complained about a weather-related clsoure. Now comes this angry note from Airport Commission Chair Robert Nemeth, the former editorial writer for the Telegram:

"Do you really think anybody cares about your drivel, you demented coward? Why don't you come out of the closet and reveal yourself?"

Nemeth hit the "reply all" button, making his venom public. "I acted out of frustration because I feel it is an invasion of privacy, and I regret acknowledging it, because it is not worth of acknowledgement," he says.


Joe Gargery said...

Invasion of Privacy?

That's rich!!!

Continue to Spread the Word!!! said...

Charley.. Looks like you got your wish to make your voice heard.. But no one cares!!!!