January 27, 2008

Telegram Opinion Section

What happened to it???

Thanks Jahn!! I actually "Insight", what happened to that section--is it gone??

Read the Nemeth story. What a nothing story. Again one would think a logical question for the Lt Governor would be question on rail service and the airport, but nothing!!

So do I have this right--is the Insight Section of the Sunday paper history?


Jeff Barnard said...

Page A14 in today's paper...

Anonymous said...

I missed it last week.

Today was just a puff piece on Murray, the working class guy. Since when are you considered "labor" just b/c you mom was a nurse, dad a teacher, & gramps a union organizer?

My Grannie was a teacher so that makes me a friend of labor???? and my grandpa was CEO of American Steel & Wire so does that makes me an enemy of labor????

Sorry, but this editorial logic just goes in circles.

Well Mr Working Class better dust off that resume b/c come January 2011 Tim may be looking for a job.

How about starting a business writing a review course for those studying to pass the Bar Exam?

Anonymous said...

OK, the Worcester Telegram has no insight. Is this news to anybody?

I like McFarlane's piece on the airport today.