January 15, 2008

TF Green

It is bad enough that you have to look at a huge billboard for TF Green Airport driving through Worcester by CK Smith/Morgan, but to have a City Councilor need to leave the City Council meeting to pick a family member up at TF Green--that hurts.


Anonymous said...

A while back the other side of that billboard had an ad for either Manchester or Fitchburg or some other type of ad relating to air travel that was not ORH related. We're being attacked from both sides right smack in the middle of our own asphalt turf.

Anonymous said...

i think that was a helicopter for umass.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the banner ads for TF Green on the Telegram's web site, either...

Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA

Anonymous said...

Tim, are you saying ORH is dying & in need of emergency life support. {g}.

Random raves here.

Harry Just think how much closer to Greene the T&G is since they are almost in south county now. even if we had comm airservice, For anyone Anyone South of the Mass pike in Worc County, Greene is probably a better choice.

It just hit me that since we lost the Cambridge St exit as a route to ORH, I am wondering if new signage to ORH is in place along the new Rte 146 corridor northbound...which I assume would direct ORH'ers over McKeon Rd by HC to Cambridge?Southbridge St??

Bill Randell said...


There is a great sign when you get off Route 146 at McKeown Road, by the Legion Post.

You come to the light and there is a picture of a plane, but the front of the plane looks like a pointer and directs you to turn right. Then there is an arrow that points left.

I swear you look at it fast, especially from out of town, it looks like the signs points right and left?

Anonymous said...

...courtesy of the Abbott and Costello sign company, perhaps?

Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA