To show my appreciation to all the bloggers and readers of your website and blog, come this Wednesday ... April 2 for anyone interested in attending the fundraiser in honor of my boy at the Dzian gallery on April 19th:
I will PERSONALLY courier the tickets to anyone in the immediate Worcester (and maybe 1 town out) area who wants to buy them. Yes, in this age of $3 +/gallon gas ... from noon until 03:00pm ... anyone who wants a ticket just send me an email prior to 11:30am telling me how many tickets they want and where should I stop by to deliver the tickets and in turn receive payment ... either in cash or checks made out to Dzian Gallery (in memo line, put in Ride with Pride fundraiser). The email address to get me the amount of tickets and drop off site is I am only offering this service up for 1 day only. Remember the tickets are
$35 apiece.
Unfortunately credit card customers have to call the gallery and arrange pick up as I'm not credit card capable.
Best Regards,
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Two tickets for me. How is my credit? Just kiddin, I will give you post dated check from a bank in Hawaii.
I will, or better yet my wife, will have cash waiting at my office on Wednesday for two tickets.
I sent in a check two weeks ago..not sure if I can make it but the moolah should have?
When is the time the 2nd or the 19th??I am not that sharp
So long as I don't have to fly Aloha Airlines to get to that Hawaiian bank!
Yes, your donation was received...THANK YOU. The date is the 19th from 06:00-09:00pm
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
...and to those I deliver to, please don't be afraid of a 6 foot tall (ok, 5'-11"), 300 pound man with a shaved head and goatee approaching your door's just me !!!
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Worcester made the Money magazine 'back from the dead list'...
you did not read my blog Harry..shame shame shame..check hasn't cleared yet:>)
April Fools day..............did anyone catch Rushton & Germaine on Blutes show this morning..........if so how can anyone say these 2 jokers have the best interests of the city tax payers at heart.....
Name calling is never appropriate..........but being April fools day.....has anyone ever hear seen or heard such 2 boobs together in one place?
And Germaine is hardly shaping up as either pro taxpayer or possible Mensa material.......this guy is shaping up to be a thorn in the side of what is best for business and taxpayer interests in Worcester. He needs to get back on a payroll so he less time on his hands.
Wonder if Rushton or Germaine uses union landscapers at their homes and/or pays prevaling wages to anyone who works at their homes or in the case of Rushton, at his office?
if I had thoughts of a future in local can be sure that watching Germains house for non-union workers would be in the making..
Paulie all you have to do is find out where these folks who talk the talk but dont walk the walk (as you say) is to figure out where they buy their groceries...........
a. Stop & Shop (union) or
b. or Price Chopper (non Union)or
c. Shaws (non union I think) or
d. Price Rite ( non union)
Wonder if the insurance policies that Germaine peddled were underwritten by union or non-union insurance carriers? BTW is anyone else having a problem understanding how Germaine, who is allegeldly collecting disablity insurance from his former position as an ins. salesman, able to function as a city councillor....I mean both jobs are basically desk work. Wonder if he marched in the St Pattys parade?
These guys have oil heat??....Wonder if their delivery men are union or non union.
Of course they'll throw you the political baloney that these are their personal decisions & choices and that's different...kind alike Mariano (a former school committeeman).......sending his kids to private schools.
Or their other out is that this about PLA's and REO's and not about unions.....and that non umion co's are welcome to bid....which is a load of bovine fecal matter........b/c PLA's and REO's are back door methods to assure union only bidders on city contracts.
interestingly Jordan Levy has not mentioned the value of many companies bidding on construction projects in the city but he is gushing over the new insurance opportunities
Levy has to watch he was a big wig at the Former Parker Metals Goods on Prescott St....which he ended up buying or somehow owning or taking over from the former owners or maybe starting his own business in a simlar line of work.............and I CAN ASSSURE you that Jordan talked the union talk for the city..........but he doesnt walk the union walk as re: the companies that he has/had overseen or owns.
But in all fairness, if they were unions shops, they would have closed up eons ago b/c they could never have competed....they eventually closed anyway.....I guess??
Also if you were tuned into Blutie, it was mentioned this morning theat Stoltz was going to pick up at 300pm where Blutie left off with the PLA/REO maybe Jordan didnt want to steal Stltzs thunder this afternoon........
What happened to the YOU TUBE thread?
Deval is fair game, but Michael(Fair Game)Germaine isnt??
Good to see that the T&G has its quarterly piece from one of Worc's citizens who tends to agree with me re: where this city is headed with the abundance of low income housing built or on the drawing board.
where is this T&G piece
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