First, let me thank Airport Liaison Niddrie for getting back to me so fast. I really do appreciate it.
1) Looks like we may finally see the Master Plan soon. That is good.
2) Meant to say "lease" not "sale". My mistake. That said it looks to me that the "lease" is not going to happen since I could have sworn the 6 month extension expires this month?
3) 300,000 left in grant. We should have invested all of these monies into Allegiant when we had them. Imagine if the DOT does not give us another extension in September, we then would have in essence wasted $300,000!
4) This one confuses me and I will follow-up with an e-mail to our Airport Liaison tomorrow. I understood that as a Part 139 Certified Airport, that we can apply from monies to the FAA for various AIP eligible projects. Even if we have no passengers, we can apply for these monies.
What confuses me is "Unless we have 10,000 passengers in a given year, the 1 million in FAA financing is reduced." I will find how much the 1 million is reduced if we have 0 passengers.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Interesting.....As I sit here this morning, Blute is broadcasting from Marlboro and he's interviewing the woman (head honcho?) from the Metro-West Chamber of Commerce.
Isnt 830 AM WCRN radio based in Worcester? I had always assumed it was a Worc station. Where is their actual broadcast facility?
Has anyone noticed the growth in Marlboro the last 25 to 30 years? Huge office park (Metropolitan Life?) at 20 & 495........Solomon Pond Mall........and others............and oddly enough when I visit downtown Marlboro........I dont think I have ever seen an M.T. storefront.
This all an offshoot of 290 & 495. Road growth = economic growth.
WCRN is a Worcester based station currently located in Webster Square. They will be moving downtown soon to the corner of Franklin & Portland Street in one of the buildings owned by the Mayo group.
Although they are based in Worcester, they market themselves as a regional radio station because of their 50,000 watt signal. In fact, they use Worcester/Boston as part of their legal top of the hour ID.
I like the station overall but I think they need more of a news presence. They had hired Alec Callandar (from WTAG) as news director with much fanfare and were heading in the right direction. Unfortunately, they let him go recently due to some financial concerns brought on by the economic downturn.
Now I find myself turning back to WTAG for local news.
Thank you, David. I didnt know they were a 50,000 watt station.
I would guess that advertising revenue is down across the board for all media outlets. I couldnt help but notice that 830 AM seems to have 2 really heavy advertisers, one of which is Diamond Chevrolet.
Certainly is great that WCRN will be dead center in downtown Worcester. Good to see a tenant moving into Downtown !
I sure hope they interview the Worc Chamber of Commerce when they set up shop in downtown.
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