Read alot about this and got to say this is a good thing for Worcester. Obvious I know, but still a little disappointed that Front Street reconnecting to Washington Square. You can even see a curb cut McGrath Boulevard showing where the road will come into Washington Square.. In fact, we should put a mural on that side to show people where the road would be?
Also I was very glad to see Nick K give Dan Benoit the credit he deserves for this idea. Who knows maybe some of the low no developers will evern hire a local architect like Dan for their next project?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
As I stated in an earlier post, as soon as the reconfigured underground garage design has been finalized, a plan for the extension of Front Street through to Washington Sq. will be announced. There is a lot of pressure within the City Council and the business community to have it done sooner rather than later.
I also think there will be fairly regular announcements about CitySquare now that the official groundbreaking has occurred. In fact, in yesterday’s T&G it was revealed that Hanover is in negotiations to buy the former Notre Dame church to add to their holdings.
In the same article, Young Park hinted that now that the project is off and running, it will be easier for Berkeley to market their existing retail spaces and the new ones that will be created on the west side of Mercantile Street.
On a related note, I have an observation about downtown from Monday’s groundbreaking that I attended. Knowing Foster Street was going to be closed at 9:30 for the ceremony, I figured I would arrive around 9:20 and park in the garage on Commercial Street that Berkley still owns. I couldn’t get in because it was full. I then went over to the Pearl-Elm garage to park and I had to go to the 6th floor to find a parking space. I know the Commercial Street garage has 1,450 spaces; I’m not sure about the Pearl-Elm garage capacity.
What does this show? I think it shows that Worcester’s urban core has much more activity than most folks realize. CitySquare will just add greatly to this activity.
Would Pearl Elm be all full of UnUM employees cars?
I am going to do a drive by right's 621pm.....see how full they are as dusk sets in :)
David, Expect a headline something like this soon, if you' re correct about Front St. "Front St plans near the finish line, Hanover/ Leggatt negotiate with City Council to raise Jahn Q Publics real estate taxes".......a.k.a. as TIF for the entire project. :) KNot two steel anothers thundaaaah but BIll has hinted a this TIF a few times already.
The project already is part of a DIF (District Improvement Financing). This is the first project in the state to be approved as a DIF.
As long as the project benchmarks are being met for lease agreements, the city share of funding will be released for the infrastructure work. That's as far as the city liability goes at CitySquare.
Off topic but more great Worcester development news.
Acorn Management (developer of market rate housing at the former Lincoln Sq. Boys Club) has plans for the former Worcester Memorial Auditorium. Mentioned in today's Worcester Magazine's Worcesteria column.
Jahn, there are no Unum employees parking in the Pearl/Elm garage. Unum own 6 lots which more than accomodates their employees. The Pearl/Elm garage will remain full even when Unum moves to citysquare.
Thank Paul.
That is going to leave one huge hole in the Chestnut/Elm area in a few years.
Might be a great site for Market rate housing as it's still downtown, barely west side, yet somewhat removed from Pajama People turf.
David, are they are moving/changing some of these benchmarks in order to release public funding earlier in the constr process? I.e. making goals easier to meet to achieved stated objectives. Kinda like the biology teacher who gives her D- student a C+ just b/c she's dating the football coach.
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