It truly amazes me how little discussion has ensued after it was revealed that the Hadley Apartments cost $510,000 each to develop. At this point I am start to believe that this train has left the station and there is no stopping it.
Drove by the market of the Worcester Center today and one of the ramps is being torn down so Zimage officially wins a bet--FINALLY. Congrats Dave.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Even though the demolition has already started as you noted Bill, I'll be at the official groundbreaking on September 13th! Maybe the ever elusive Jahn will attend and come over and introduce himself to Dewey.
Think about it, Hanover gets involved with the project in March and they’re already breaking ground! Now I wish they would entertain moving their headquarters downtown! Their present location would be very easy to market and downtown would have a lot more workers. This would do two things, ensure that Front Street would be built through to Washington Sq. sooner rather than later and generate retail interest with all of the UNUM and Hanover employees downtown.
Even just phase 1 of the citysquare project will transform Worcester enough to start drawing some people down there. The area around Mercantile street will have a fresh new look and businesses will want to be located in that area. And if 1) the area is nice and 2) there are businesses around, then people will slowly starting showing up... leading to additional businesses, etc. Sure it will be slow but progress none the less. Now in order for real change downtown, we need to get middle class people living down there and that's why it's important that the remaining phases of citysquare (housing) get finished.
when they start building market rate condos at City Square would you buy in?
No i'm not buying in, no chance. I have a home in a suburb and am content where i am. But there will be some who will. This is more than just redeveloping an old people. This whole block will be brand spanking new. Young people will buy in but i wouldn't build too many of these condos because I don't know how many you'll get.
David said:
"Now I wish they (HANOVER) would entertain moving their headquarters downtown! Their present location would be very easy to market and downtown would have a lot more workers"
It basically took CM O'brien and others to walk on water to get UNUM downtown to City Sq. and UNUM was actively in search of a new location. Now you think Hanover Ins. , who is not actively looking to move, should move downtown and out of their campus which is probably already partially vacant and put it on the market and you further think it would be "easy to market". State Mutual Ins, left Downtown in 1956 and I doubt there will be any looking back, unless you count H. Ladd Plumleys biulding of Plumley Village "looking back"
David, my fine feathered amigo, methinks you been chillin' too much at the corner of Janet Nadeau Way and Canterbury Sts and accidentally inhaling Pharmasphere fumes? SURELY YOU FREAKIN' JEST? re: your statement that Hanover should think about vacating their current campus? Do you know about the lack if interest/marketabilty of Worc office space?
David, given your eternal optimism for downtown Worcester the Pharamsphere project will henceforth be know as "Yes We Cann-abus" honor of Deval and Tims 4 year (I hope) reign.
A great question for Jim Mc govern in the upcoming elctions eason dabtes would be...........
How did it cost 1/2 million per unit to build out the Hadley project and when will the audit of it start and when can we expect to read the results?
Above question should also be floated to state auditor candidates, esp. the likes of Guy Glodis who proably cannot even balance his own chexbook.
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