June 16, 2006

Master Plan

At the last meeting in December of 2004 (18 months ago), Leigh Fisher Associates talked in general terms. At that time they mentioned that they would be back in the Spring of 2005 with some concrete "ideas" for ORH. Better late then never, but lets hope that next Wednesday that there are some recommendations for us to look at it.

To be honest, I really can not remember much from that meeting 18 months ago. Anyone who went could they put down what they remember in the comments.. By the way the meeting is next Wednesday at the airport.


Anonymous said...

Just some questions:

Is Leigh Fisher another consultant?
Do they contact airlines directly or just make recommendations/
Whose responsibility is it to contact airlines: airport manager, Massport, IMG, airport liason, airport commision?
Seem to be alot of players running around with no direction like the old electronic football game I used to have as a kid.

Anonymous said...

Steve, that's what it seems like to many others too. It's why we're asking questions and working toward promoting more accountability and transparency within the adminstration. One can't start throwing stones until one has the entire picture, right?

Bill Randell said...


Good question... I would think that it would be the airport/Massport who would be contacting airlines. We have retained IMG to the tune of $100,000 to help us contact airlines (all from the DOT grant).

Leigh Fisher Inc (consultants) job is to come up with a 20 Year Master Plan for ORH. Check out http://www.flyorh.com, under finances there is a section at the top about all the consultants.