February 13, 2008

January Airport Minutes On-line

Click here. In Mr Nemeth column on Sunday:

"Massport is actively involved in trying to attract commercial airlines to the city, currently negotiating with an Ohio-based start-up carrier that has expressed interest in Worcester."

I am guessing that this needs to be Festival Airlines. That said, how can the fact MassPort is in discussions with an Ohio-based start-up not appear in any of the Airport Commission Minutes?

Seriously why is Bob Nemeth privy to this and not in any of the official minutes of the Airport Commission Minutes? ...


Anonymous said...

Could it also be Skybus (Columbus, OH) ???? Maybe they wan't to add another New England destination?

Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA

Anonymous said...

"currently negotiating".........that kinda leaves the field wide open?........

a. one telophonos call per month

b. We sent them a letter

c. they are definitely coming here but we are still talking?

d. whos talking massport or the consultnat we hired to recruit & RETAIN an airline.

e. Jahn aint too keen on start ups in a business space that is in and has been in a merger mode for years due to overcapacity.......Hooters went bust.....right..others,too?

Bill Randell said...

Harry & Jahn:

My point is that the story starts off by talking about secrecy regarding the airport. Nobody ever mentions anything about a Ohio based start-up airline negotiations anywhere?? You can check all the Aiport Board Meetings, listen to the City Council and nothing.

Does anyone else see the irony in this other then me?

Anonymous said...

The rush to raze the Mall reminds me of 40 years ago when the council was in rush to demolish the old Front St and Trumbull Sq and Salem Sq to build the Wocester Center Galleria

Fools rush in.........

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results e.g. 8 yrs of Massport at Worc. Airport............results...............yup............just one though...we now have no commercial air service.

I am officially calling for closure of WRA, to be re-opened (if ever) once it can be operated deficit free.

Worcester Airport as it is now operated is the consummate definition of insanity.

Charely Farley was correct.

Bill Randell said...


I said here many times that ORH is an underutilized asset and it could be turned around.

After watching the mgmt closely, I am lot closer to Charley Farley's opinion right now then ever before.


Anonymous said...

Skybus is already at Westover, with a much longer runway and without the MassPort idiots.

I expect ORH to be shuttered in about five months when the really big bills start rolling in to keep ORH open.

Anonymous said...


Massport did Worcester a favor by funding the airport until IT could operate on IT"S own. It never happened.

Don't worry Mary, the airport won't close its doors, it has to stay open subsidized by the taxpayers.

What a shame