Here we go . Click here.
20 Million for non-profits to buy foreclosed properties with up to $60,000 grants per unit for affordable housing. In other words you do not have to pay the $60,000 back during the affordability period (usualyy 15 years) if you keep the unit affordable, or low income.
More low income housing for Worcester. More great news.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
am heading to Philly on the 10th to see Van Morrison..anyone evah fly out of Providence Airport??
This will be my first time out of Providence-flying Southwest...any tips on parking? How much time do we need to give oursleves> Flying out in the early morning
I was just at the Post Office. Guy ahead of me in line had a T shirt on.......on the back it said "Main South Where It's Happening"...........a few mins later as he turns and leaves the counter I see the front of the T shirt...."Main South Comm. Dev'ment Corp".
It made my day as I chuckle to myself.
Providence is a breeze. Easy off the highway, Parking right at the gate, blows Logan away...
Harry Tembenis
Now the big question.... Pat's or Gino's for cheesesteak?
what steak joint makes you speak english?
Go there!
Gino's does...I'm sure Paulie will give his dining experience on his blog...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA,2933,198757,00.html
Harry Tembenis
thanks for the tips..only a short trip-July 10th-12th and then off to the Cape from Providence, R.I.
I read that story on Gino's awhileback..good for him! I believe he won the case...not sure tho!
Pat's is just across the street...we will try em both out and review when we get back!! Luckily the ole lady likes to eat..all 105lbs. of her
dOES ANYONE think it really maters who is the next school supt...........I mean we could have the best business minds on Wall St along with God....and would still be an impossible task when you have a Board of Directors (school committe) that will squash any real changes to the system in place now.
BTW, does anyone recall the Education Reform of of 1993? The state pumped billions into the states public school and they are still basically educational ghettos. MCAS & Charter Schools arose out of the ED Reform AACT.......and guess what......... now they want to water it down (directly or indirectly)...or maybe even eliminate it.....meanwhile the Charter school waiting list continues to grow exponentially
See what happens when the school dept employees ( the inmates) basically control the school system (the Asylum)...... via the ballot box.
You're the cat's pajamas!'s%20pajamas
Whereas I got dissed on the muffalleta AND the John and Son's club sandwich (extra meat), you can spring for a Number 9 pocket at the D'angelos on the corner of Park and Chandler for me tipping you off about Geno's & Pat's cheesesteaks.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
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