August 20, 2008

Police Station Future BioResearch Space?

Found this article in BioregionNews. Too long to get into details here and you will have to subscribe, but here is a short part. I recommend that you read this.

Timothy McGourthy, Worcester’s director of economic development, told BioRegion News last week the study was intended as a long-range guide to “looking at those spaces in terms of their potential for higher and better uses.”

The strategic plan offered two redevelopment options for the city’s police HQ, a low-rise, modernist-style concrete fortress completed in the 1970s:

  1. Two buildings containing 220,000 square feet of R&D space, plus 200,000 square feet of offices, 32,500 square feet of retail space, and 1,044 parking spaces; and
  2. Three buildings containing 147,000 square feet of R&D space, plus 214,900 square feet of offices, 16,000 square feet of retail space, and 875 parking spaces.

The city could not advance either scenario without first acquiring a site for a new police home base, a process McGourthy acknowledged would likely take several years given its cost and the need to relocate all police functions somewhere else.

“Something like the police station building, we’re looking at 10 to 15 years [into the future], minimum,” McGourthy said.


John said...

Would the Wyman-Gordon Parcel be a good site for a new police station?

Gabe said...

I think that would be an excellent location. I was trying to think of a place last night where the mere presence of the station might be a kick in the ass for the neighborhood.

Frankly I would love to see it somewhere in Main South but if not then that is a pretty good place too.

If there was mass criminal and scumbucket flight all at once out of Main South it would be interesting to see where they landed.