From the Telegram yesterday, click here.
I am going to reach out to him for a blog interview. Any questions that you would like asked, post in comments.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
There's also an un-signed Nemeth piece in the ed section today.
I noticed the same thing.
Putting that aside the position of Airport Director is very important. Not only the technical side, which I do not know, but we need a salesman out front and center constantly selling the benefits of ORH.
Lets hope this is the case.
Yesterday's article stated he had contacts in the airline industry.
At one point I was told that ORH didn't have a good reputation with airlines. Hopefully Mr. Davis is aware of these deficiencies and can address them with potential airlines.
Guess I am out of the loop.......when did we get a new Director..........did the other guy ( forgot his name) leave or leave to work at Massport?
Status of:
a. RFP for the 4 acre site
b. Name change to metro west/bosotn airport
c. restaurant RFp (from upteen yrs ago?)
d. specific marketing strategies and SPECIFIC GOALS & time frames?
e. specific plans to make ORH finacilly self suffieenct and more annual taxpayer bailouts!!!
f. boarded up old control tower
BTW the 1st councilors sidewalk that checked out is partially shoveld/cleared (1/2 way)and it was 30 hrs after the end of the storm.
WTF !!!!!!!.....fed up with poor examples set by these foreflushers......
My question is regarding parking. Any thoughts of lowering the park fee to entice more people to fly out of Worcester. I know $7 is a bargain compared to Logan but still lower fees would be nice
The key to success of any secondary airport has been free parking!!
This in of itself should be the marketing draw for ORH. Why pay for parking at the airport, come to ORH!
Until such time when the city of Worcester sells,transfers the airport to Massport or another entity, will you be attending the city council meeting (at least once every two months), to update the city on the progess of the airport (i.e. airline negotiations, maintenance issues etc.)
Good question!!
How about:
If the airport does not start turning a profit will we look into downgrading the facility to GA?
The parking in Punta Gorda is free. Worcester should be as well
does anyone ever make any money in this city?
everything always has to be free?..every damn festival in this city has to adverise free to get anyone to come..restaraunts have to give their food away..if $7 a day parking is the problem then lets just sell the f'n thing now..Worcester just always seems to wallow so f'n low...
OK Bill... you KNEW I was going to bring this up ... ask him that since Direct Air is utilizing Virgin America's airplanes and crew for the Florida and South Carolina runs, and since Virgin America ALREADY has landing slots at JFK airport in NYC and Dulles in Washington, DC... why not start utilizing Virgin America flights from ORH to those 2 airports to accomodate business travelers?
A JFK run would also give Worcester County residents access to the whole world via ORH.
Just something to consider, especially where Virgin America is starting Boston to California service in the spring.
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Who is Virgin America vs Virgin Atlantic..........or did I hear incorreectly on the rdio last week that one of these Virgins is starting up or expandong operationss at Logan??
Are there in fact 2 diff co's.??
Who is Virgin America vs Virgin Atlantic..........or did I hear incorreectly on the rdio last week that one of these Virgins is starting up or expandong operationss at Logan??
Are there in fact 2 diff co's.??
This should help clear the confusion:
You're lucky Bill and I still let you post here after this (Virgin America to ORH) has been one of our main blogging points for over 2+ years now!!!!
...right Bill ??? :-)
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Next few weeks are going to be very imp. for Direct Air & ORH.
We s/b seeing load factors of at least 85% if this is going to be a success....even in this economy.
Let us also not forget, that if this new director is to be successful, he cant be hamstrung by Massport or the council. e.g. if he says a clerk & a custodain at ORH have to go............then that's it w/o re: to who the eemplyee are related to or who they know.
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