Sorry for the lack of posts but no electricity at my house (Holden) or my mothers (Tatnuck Square). It seems like I have just been driving back and forth across the city to the hotel in Auburn. By the way there are some 4 hotels within a 1/2 mile stretch in Auburn and 3 of them are relatively new. I know the Mass Pike exit is right there, but do you think the low commercial tax rate may have prompted hotels to build here versus in Worcester?
I am back!!!
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill's got the power!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
I think it has more to do with the Pike exit. There have always been hotels in that area. Now there are just more.
Dont forget now folks that teh old Sheraton Yankeed Drummer closed 3 yrs ago this January for a new Lowes.....(yet it's still standing i think??)..............also the HoJo's Small hotel at College Sq that HC bought ands razed and removed from tax rolls about 10 yrs ago........
Road growth = Economic's so simple & easy ....yet Worc pols will get in teh way of any road building that takes even 2 houses....sooner or later Worc going to need some kind of beltway to handle traffic esp on the west side.......
See what happens folks when the city deosnt trim their shade trees like they should .....there is zero "routine maintenance" done to our city shade trees....and the result is what we're experiencing maybe even teh beetle.....kind of like the guy who never changes his car oil........then needs a washington/beacon hill disaster area declaration for a new engine years later engine.
Why should washington pay to clean up Worc????..............I guess for ther same reason they give us money to inundate terh city with low income housing?
we send too much money to washington and this is the nd result............send washigton a dollar in taxes and they churn it up and spit it back out and we get 61 cents on the dolar back in return.....nothing like 100% local control for local it union station..........airport, schools, low incomme housing, and teh like
I am now thinking about the new sidewalk snow & ice removal ordinace passed recently...........i forget the terms exacxtly..........10 or 12 hrs to clear sidewalk after storm has ended............and then I think about current conditions in the city and I am wiondering how will the city itself (who is prob. exempt from the ord. anyway ) live up to what they propsoe for others??
Is the current time frame really enough to expect one to clear their sidewalks of snow & ice?
What if a home owner works in boston and and the snow stops at 100 am in the morning and he's up at 500 am to catch train to boston and not back home again umtil 800 pm that night assuming train is even on does this person who clears his owns sidewalk cope with the ordinace?
S/b a larger amt. of time allowed to clean up after a storm.
I foresee many slip & fall claims from teh likes of PIP SHelter types from uncleard or not properly clerarded sidwealks
Let's keep in mine the new ord applies to well as snow......old ord. was snow only ..........
I may be riding by councilors homes this week....................checking out side walks...stay tuned........
Is the fire dept out with their boom truck removing hanging limbs from city trees........or are they watching Huckleberry Hound Dawg.......if not......why not......?????........first responders in emergency times........MMMMMMMM ...?????
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