July 08, 2009

Nola Fest

I bought some tickets through Randell Package Store. If any regular readers of the blog want a free ticket, put a comment here and I will make arrangements to get you a free ticket. First ask first get.


4rilla said...

Well I can't believe no one has commented yet!

Crystal and I are going this weekend and have not bought tix yet (and yes I was going to get them at the store) I would certainly take a freebie and pay for one as well. That just means more money to buy Hurricanes!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon Jahn ...step up, Baby !!! New Orleans can have Dr. John and Worcester can have Dr. JAHN !!!!


Harry T(hree more days...)

Bill Randell said...


Some people have e-mailed me. Today I will place an envelope under the drawer with two tickets for you and Crystal.


Jahn said...

I have been reading more and more lately about the commercial real estate business hurting really bad and one article says the worse in commercial real estate will be 3 more years in coming

Has Berkley pulled their demo permit yet? Have they even applied yet? Anyone see any signs of pre-permit demolition work like detached utility wires, excavation and removal of city utilities, signs of Dig Safe in the area, etc.

Was it an August or Sept. start date for demo?

Is ALL of their financing in place? Council is bassically outta town (thank God) until after Labor Day. Summer doldrums set in over Worc. Center ???

I can tell you the pre-demolition work just to raze a simple house can easily be a month under the best of conditions.

Dont call me negative for asking questions. Thanx.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget BA, too ... Denis Leary isn't the only one who can proclaim he is an asshole from Worcester! :-)


Harry T

4rilla said...

Sweet.... You rule.

I was just in the store about 20 minutes ago for an after work beverage. Think I'm going for a bike ride, I'll stop back in!

Jahn said...

I am seeing lotsa property owned by the city with uncut grass and overgrown with weeds that exceeed 12" in height. Becuase I am a reasonable guy, I'll give em the benefit of the doubt that like many of us, keeping the grass cut this last month so has been troublesome. But these city owned sites appear to not have been cut all spring.

Must be nice to enact nuisance ordinances that outlaw 12" vegetaion in your yard and then exempt yourself (the city) from laws you want others to comply with.

Where's the city council on this situation? Down in Dennisport with Guy pilfering beach parking spaces?