Unconfirmed rumor
They are in alot of trouble?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Did anyone notice in yesterdays paper (8-02) any pols who were missing from the photo op at Foley Staduim where there was a send off for the Nat'l Gaurd. Even Elmer (Mr Dept of Peace & Castro afficiando) and made it back to Worc from South Yarmouth. Hopefully these 2 MIA's that I am thininkng of are on vacation at distant locales and therefore excused form attendance.
I heard a state official (DOR?)on the radio yesterday afternoon touting the upcoming sales tax holiday and saying one of the benefits was that Mass. on teh Aug sales tax holiday will re-coup sales that oterhwise would have bene made up in Cow Hampshire.........so what's the logical extension of that?
Once again the CSX project is front and center in the T&G and still no where in the article did i see the ED term (eminent domain). Almost seems like it's a 4 letter word to the T&G. CSX says they have no issue with a specail permit being extended on a certain parcel they have to buy to expand the RR yard, which specail permit will significanlty increase the price they will have to pay to acquire that parcel.. RIGHT..... Of course they have no problemo with it senor!!!!!!!!. ANy increase in price above those already anticipated to acquire parcels for the RR yard will just increase the price that CSX will pass along to the state for purchase of the RR right of way.....which ROW will be used by the state to add add'l cummuter rail services.....which add'l service will just cannabalize the existing commuter rail service. This rail service aint like Dunkin donuts outlets where you can operate them successfully opposite each other on the same roadway.
Wouldn't surprise me about Saltus - print is dying. They did the print run for mym former employer (The WANT Ad) which went under in Oct 2008... and the bankruptcy filing included them as a creditor. I know the rumor was that Want Ad owed them a _lot_ of money.
According to the WBJ today, it is no longer a rumor.
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