May 01, 2011

Boston Herald story on a sewer line

Interesting story in the Herald about repairs that need to be made on a sewer line in a private way in South Boston.  The total cost of  which is 125,000 to be split amongst 17 building owners on the private way.  

Here is the key line from the BostonWater and Sewer spokeman was there has no responsibility to fix the pipe.    


Jahn said...

May be I am late to the party here again, but if the May St sewer line main altered in anyway such that WCG's lateral line from the new sewer main to the WGC's apts, would WGC at least be responsible the costs associated with lateral?

Paulie's Point of View said...

they are involved in the project in some manner since they were allowing sludge to be shipped to Mason Street aka Grassy Field thay they deny owning:>)