May 10, 2011

Globe story on Hanover Theatre

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Jahn said...

And here's the rest of the story.

After rec'ing about $10M in gov't subsidies The Hand It Over Theatre converteded to non profit status, thereby costing Worcester (by my estimate) $1M in lost property tax revenue.

Joe Six pack and his family have had their taxes raised so the artsy fartsy crown can be subsidized.

One of my kids needs a go cart track for his Hellcat go cart with twin McCullough engines and my daughter needs a dirt bike track for her Pink Kawasaki 250cc dirt bike. Where's the tax payers subsidy for my kids entertainment? Ok....laugh if you want.......however point made.

And where's the speak easy that was to be built next to The Hand It Over Theatre?

Did it ever occur to anyone that to the extent The Hand It Over Theatre pays no RE leaves all the more money to paid to the principals who own the place. It also leaves all the more money they can donate to the South Worc Neighbot hood food drive.

Once again...the reality of the situation

Jahn said...

Now in the City managers defense he has no control over the city tax structure....yet here is a comment in todays article about St V's TIF (5-10) that really kind of says it all about commercial property taxation or all property taxation in worcester:

From T&G article:

"The manager said the tax incentives make the construction of the cancer center here competitive with alternative suburban locations. "

So...... does logic or inference then dictate that w/o tax incentives Worcester cannot compete and therefore should reduce property taxes?

FWIW, I did get a D+ in Philosophy 101 which does involve an introduction to logic. No smart+++ comments either! With Todays grade inflation I woulda got a B+ :)