In case you did not notice, the clock on the left is down to 200 days until the end of the 2nd operating agreement with MassPort. In case anyone forgot this is the 8th year we have had an agreement with MassPort and right now MassPort is covering 68% of the operational deficit not including debt service.
Based on an operating losses of approximately $1,800,000 this equates to $576,000 to the tax-payers of Worcester. Added to that is the debt service, which is approximately another $650,000 and the cost to operate ORH this year (July 2006-June 2007) will be approximately $1,200,000 to the tax-payers of Worcester.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Yes, there are 200 days left. We can either a) sell ORH to Massport for pennies on the dollar (which is probably Massport's master plan) or b) sell to the highest bidder. Invite the CEO's of EasyJet, Virgin America, and select Canadian airlines to tour the facility to see if they are interested in buying the airport for their carriers:
This way it creates a little competition and Massport doesn't get somthing for nothing.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
That sounds like a good idea, an airline could start service here in the northeast and own its airport and be able to gather landing fees from other airlines to help pay off the purchase price.
Anybody going up to the airport tonight?
I do not know how many times you have said this and could not agree more. Imagine a nationwide publicity for a Part 139 Certified Airport on 1300 plus acres FOR SALE???
On the down side what do you have to lose if nobody is interested?? Nothing.
True, true... if we REALLY wanted to have some fun, invite Allegiant back to buy the airport with their IPO money and use ORH as a New England hub, now THAT would REALLY be fun !!!!! :-0
Unfortunately I am working tonight and cannot attend but if anyone does go up, you have my permision to toss the suggestions I have brought up out to the group.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
I too would like to see a profit motivated concern at least manage ORH.
But for a private sector entity to buy ORH and they would have to cough up about $750,000 annually in property taxes just to pay the real estate in addition to the personal property taxes on equipment.
This would put a damper on the selling price.
Or we could all start a non profit entity and buy the place and have Glodis provide free custodial services, have Hanover toss us $2m ( a la the old Loew's Theatre building) plus another million that they'll be saving by axing 48 empoyees today [Merry Christmas!], and we'll be able to apply for all sorts of non-profit funding and grants.
We'll be just another one of the good guys on the block b/c we're non profit!
And 10 years from now the WMRB will be doing a report on how we s/b closed, meanwhile the average City employee takes 10.3 sick days a years and no one cares abuot the millions going down that rat hole.
Priorities ??
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