December 28, 2006

Information Request

Here is the answer:


We have discussed this request and the consensus is that this information is best obtained through the Auditor’s Office in Worcester for Worcester Employees and Massport for Massport Employees because you have asked for specific salaries paid to specific people.

The same office in the City is the best for the Bond issues you have requested.

I will tell you that much of the information is available on line from the city from the specific year you have requested if you review the Budget Actuals. For Example, at present, in the budget, we have 19 positions authorized. 6 are Security Guard Crash Crewmen (one remains not filled due to Allegiant leaving), 1 Chief of Security, 2 Custodians (one remains not filled due to Allegiant leaving), 6 Maintenance staff, 1, Maintenance Supervisor, 1 accountant,1 clerk and myself. All those people are City Employees. There are 5 Massport Employees. The number of approved positions was the same for FY2006, but some of the positions mentioned above were filled at various times of the year. For example, we brought one Security Guard position on when Allegiant was coming so he was hired in December- he was not here all year. A Maintenance person left and there was a gap in time for hiring the replacement person. You will be able to see the information as you review actual salaries.

Sorry, but the actual dollars by person is best obtained from the office that has actual dollars expended.

Phil Niddrie


Anonymous said...

The general 'ee information Mr Niddrie has provided is good, but can't he just forward the request to the appropriate people?

If I am saleman and a cutomer asks me for some year end summary (or detailed) information, I do not send the request abck to the customer and tell him to contact accouting. Do I??

This part of go'tsd problem

Anonymous said...

This is part of Gov'ts problem

Bill Randell said...


The ironic thing is that I thought the Liaison's job was to do things like this?? At the same time I would think this information would be readily available?

Instead I am suppose to contact the City of Worcester Auditor and MassPort. No more requests of information for a while.


Anonymous said...

Gov't speak=

"The actual dollars by person is best obtained from the office that has actual dollars expended"

Anonymous said...

I do no t reaaly think it is the Auditor's task either. The auditor is really more of a financial policeman.

In a privately run business you'd ask the payroll dept b/c payrooll data is considered confidential.

A municipality I assume has a payroll dept and if it isnt the payroll dept then the treasurer and if not there then who ever pays the bills?

Bill Randell said...

Just reread this 5 MassPort employees?? Other then the Airport Director Eric Waldron, why would there be any more then this??

Anonymous said...

Websters Home Dictionary,
1964 edition:

Liason (le a zon') n. A linking together of the operations of different forces, as separate divisions of an army; co-operation.

Please note the last word.