Great comment the other day from Jahn that is worthy of a post:
Another quickie perusal of thsi RFP raises a couple more questions.The RFP refereences "Massports Guide to Tenant Constr". Does guide require the constr project to come under the umbrella of the so called prevailing wage laws?...A.k.a. Union Job. If it does, then this is another possible negative in the financial picture.I find it interestign theat Mr Waldron (Airport Dirctor who is supposdly on MP's payroll) is signing the issuance of the RFP and under his name Is Massport Authority, Director. Mr obrien also signs the RFP as City manager.Who does Mr Waldron report to and where are his allegiances?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
My guess is that one's allegiances lay with whose name is on the paycheck.
Also, let's assume it had cost the City 120K to keep Mr Waldron on the payroll and likewise for MP now.
MP actually gets him under their wing for 50 cents on the dollar b/c if he was still on City payroll he would be contributing 120K more to the deficit each year and MP would have to pick up 50% (in the past) of that increased deficit.
Simple example: iIf the ORH deficit was 120K with him on City payroll, MP has to come up with 60K. Take him off City payroll and place him on mP payroll for 120K and city deficit goes to zero, MP has no deficit to cover, and they got themselves the Director for an add'l 60K.
Again, this truly raises all sorts of personnel, reporting, financial, loyalty, accountablity, hiring, firing, etc. questions.
E.g. a MP employee reports to the City of Worc Airport Commission and his secretary (City employee??) is responsible for recording and issuing the monthly board meeting minutes. At the very least, this has the APPEARANCE of being a bit convoluted??
If I owned a business and there was a similar business down the street that asked me to help them turn their business around, would I help?? To be honest, I would not, why help a business get better that can potentially take away my customers.
Now take this a step further and say I actually had an employee of mine running the business down the street. I would fire him if he did a good job for that other business.
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