April 03, 2008

RFP Management of the Garages

The other night at the City Council, I saw a City Council vote to put an RFP out for five years of management for the four City owned parking garages. Why just put out a bid, what happened to thinking outside the box or raising the bar....

Seriously lets put up one garage for sale and see what the bids are? What exactly would we have to lose to simply prepare a bid and analyze the results--nothing!!!


Anonymous said...

Amtiy Update:

All four of Amyty's planes have been moved to Gardner.

Bill Randell said...

I will try one more time to ask the gentlemen who owns amity for an on-line interview

Anonymous said...

How about we put the entire council out to bid.........and/or sell off a few of them.......all they ever do is sell out me & my money to city labor interests.....witness this latest debacle with the FF'er........why should they or anyone else get special treatemnt above & beyond their already generous 72% disabilty, non taxable pension?

My construction worker friend has been struggling for years as a result of a constr site injury...and he cannot go before the city council and ask for more money....and he gets chump change compared to these 72% pensions........and he worked his entire life in a more dangerous and harder occupation than any FF.

When I say 10 of 11 councillors have sold out to city labor interests at the expense of the taxpayers.....this is exactly what I mean.........and in another few years a city DPW laborer will show will a have similar type of workplace accident/disablity claim........this special treatment has already opened Pandoras box.......and will only get worse