- Swift Casino approval
- Increase in State Income taxes
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
There will be an increase of the Income tax to 7.7% or an increase to the Sales tax to 9.4% according to Brad Marston.
Both of these options would be devastating to Massachusetts' Economy but the DemocRATs will just keep blaming Bush and not take responsibility for their failed policies and lack of REFORM.
Together We Can:
a. get casino(s) approved, bid on, and built before fiscal year end June, 2011??????
b. raise taxes IMMEDIATELy???
So meanwhile Back at the ranch in central Mass-H+L+-Achusetts., the city of Worc. has purchased and installled hi-tech trash receptacles (TRs) costing us how much a pop and Hi tech wireless, cash or bank card operated parking meters, again costing us how much a pop?
WTH is with Worc's fascination with receptacles, especially waste receptacles, be it parking meters; Yellow Boxes for syringe needle disposal; solar powered, self compacting trash cans; or the Worcester Common in general which seems to at times be a receptacle for debris of the 2 legged human type. Freud might say some folks here in Wooo are regressing back to childhood issues with this perceived receptacle obsession.
Mr Caywood of the T&G writes on Sunday (Nov 7) of the latest hi-tech trash cans manufactured by Big Belly Solar (BBS) and the hi tech parking meters made by IPS and Phrases like the following are bandied about in the article:
1. "serious savings for the city" (Note no mention of the savings, not even an estimate)
2. "couldnt venture an estimate on how much the (assumed periodic?) service fees would set the city back" ( Note again, no mention of the savings, not even an estimate)
3. "save on labor and fuel costs" NOTE ONCE AGAIN, no mention of the savings, not even an estimate)
4. "Then there are the fees. The charge for electronic services, including wireless internet and online reporting, comes to $5.75 a month, bank card processing fees......come to 13 cents per transaction.......$1....with a bank card.produces 87 cents in revenue for the city"
MR Moylan of DPW says the parking meters are being evalutaed now and I assume the trash cans are alreay here to stay as we bought some of them with Tiny Tim Bucks from Beacon Hill. I'll go out on a limb here say the city would never have bought them if we had to pony up our own dime for them.
SO let me get this straight......we have city trash hauler crews who work about 4.5 hours a day and get paid for a full days pay and we're somehow going to save money on emptying trash cans with these new hi-tech Big Belly Solar (BBS [Big Bull Sh+t]) trash recpetacles The city trash hauling crews of which there are quite a few out here everyday, cant swing by the common at 11:30am when they are done with their regular neighborhood routes and empty the low tech, old fashion trash cans? I tell you these city bureacrats are coming across as more and more unaware of how to save money. If a union contract needs to be changed to accomplish this, so be it. Then we have all these other folks on the city payroll, who I will not mention, whose job it is just hang around most of the day. IMO keeping trash receptacles and parking meters emptied and clean is a public safety issue...comprende'?
Together We Can:
a. get casino(s) approved, bid on, and built before fiscal year end June, 2011??????
b. raise taxes IMMEDIATELy???
So meanwhile Back at the ranch in central Mass-H+L+-Achusetts, the city of Worc. has purchased and installled hi-tech trash receptacles (TRs) costing us how much a pop and Hi tech wireless, cash or bank card operated parking meters, again costing us how much a pop?
WTH is Worc's fascination with receptacles, especially waste receptacles, be it parking meters; Yellow Boxes for syringe needle disposal; solar powered, self compacting trash cans; or the Worcester Common in general which seems to at times be a receptacle for debris of the 2 legged human type. Freud might say some folks here in Wooo are regressing back to childhood issues with this perceived receptacle obsession.
Mr Caywood of the T&G writes on Sunday (Nov 7) of the latest hi-tech trash cans manufactured by Big Belly Solar (BBS) and the hi tech parking meters made by IPS and Phrases like the following are bandied about in the article:
1. "serious savings for the city" (Note no mention of the savings, not even an estimate)
2. "couldnt venture an estimate on how much the (assumed periodic?) service fees would set the city back" ( Note again, no mention of the savings, not even an estimate)
3. "save on labor and fuel costs" NOTE ONCE AGAIN, no mention of the savings, not even an estimate)
4. "Then there are the fees. The charge for electronic services, including wireless internet and online reporting, comes to $5.75 a month, bank card processing fees......come to 13 cents per transaction.......$1....with a bank card.produces 87 cents in revenue for the city"
MR Moylan of DPW says the parking meters are being evalutaed now and I assume the trash cans are alreay here to stay as we bought some of them with Tiny Tim Bucks from Beacon Hill. I'll go out on a limb here say the city would never have bought them if we had to pony up our own dime for them.
SO let me get this straight......we have city trash hauler crews who work about 4.5 hours a day and get paid for a full days pay and we're somehow going to save money on emptying trash cans with these new hi-tech Big Belly Solar (BBS [Big Bull Sh+t]) trash recpetacles The city trash hauling crews of which there are quite a few out here everyday, cant swing by the common at 11:30am when they are done with their regular neighborhood routes and empty the low tech, old fashion trash cans?
I tell you these city bureacrats are coming across as more and more out of touch and unaware of how to save money. If a union contract needs to be changed to accomplish this, so be it. Then we have all these other folks on the city payroll, who I will not mention, whose job it is just hang around most of the day. IMO keeping trash receptacles ( even parking meters) emptied and clean is a public safety issue...comprende'?
Sign me up as.........Sick Of The Garbage...that emanates from city hall under the guise of saving money. We are not mushrooms
Tax the air we breathe. That's the only thing I know of with no taxes associated (yet)
Anyone see the piece about CSX wantign to store hazardous cargoes on thei Westboro RR sidings. Evidetly, As it is now, such cargoes only pass through Westboro en route to Allston freight yard.
Rest assured the suburban soccer moms and their elbow patched, corduroy'ed sport jacketed College professor hubbies will rail against this. Look for it to eventually land in Woooostah.....which i dont have a problem with.....as Westboro will probably only issue them a tempoary storage permit until Woooostah RR yard comes online.
File under:
"Worcester, the utility closet of New eNGLAND AND ALSO THE receptacle for what no one else wants."
SO this weakend Eye decide Two hit the Pickel Barrle.....check up on how the things are on PLeasant St and rub elbows with Joe the Plumber, Conan the cop, and ....Deemitrie the DWP dude.
So I get me dose of Saturday morning cholesterol and head west on Pleasant Toward the West side.
Once Again I make note of the apparent 50 ft zone delineated on Pleasant St at Hudson St, apparently marking what appears to be a 50 foot buffer zone around Un-Planned Parenthood????.
I coulndnt help but wonder what the potential adverse effects of this on abutters. I.e. the protestors are now on the sidewalk(s) of businesses and/or residences that are immedialtely outside the buffer zone. Talk about kicking the proverbial can down the road. I am defintely would not look positively upon thsi situation if i am an abutter or across teh Steeet from Unplanned Parenthood.
What will be next........an Unplanned Parenthood educational facilty only (no medical procedures) located in a 100% residential setting with a 50ft buffer zone around it, too? As an educational facilty is it exempt from zoning ordinances in the same fashion that Group Homes and SMOC facitiles are.
I am am still curious by law or regulation or ordinance is this apparent zone allowed to be painted on the city street? Could private property also be part of a 50ft buffer zone?
What's the differernce between this and some gang bangers marking out their turf their logos and graffitti?
@Steve Taxing the air with breathe is on the way, don't hold your breath thinking that it won't happen.
Beans and Ammo
Beans and Ammo, stock up.
Fed Reserve is printing $600B in money to buy back treasury bonds.
Printing money to buy back your own debt. That is not at all risky now is it.
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