Rumor has it that this is Jahn's favorit drink, a combination of Jagermeister and Red Bull.
Think we can safely assume Four Loko and Joose will be back, but this time without the caffeine. You see where I am going with this don't you?
Four Loko bombs?? Buy the new Four Loko, without the caffeine and buy a Red Bull .....
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I prefer Monster Energy over Red Bull...
Harry T
Jahn actually went through a 30 case of Bud this summer plus many 16 oz'er stops when headed to the beaches. Jahn knows which exits have packies located right off them ... from Old Orchard to the outter Cape :)
A cop (about 22 years old) actually busted me for sitting at beach in the JahnMobile after a long day of painting. I asked him......i said i am just relaxing after a long day on teh ladder......... then I pointed to the beach 5 ft in front of me and asked what he thought was in all those red plastic cups everyone was closed........told me to go home said he wasnt trying to bust on me.........but said he got a call........morale of the story is dont sit in a Jahnmobile at beach with painters clothes on and watch the sunset.............but if'n youre dressed nicely and on foot...then it's OK......
ANyway, I never had a Jahngameister (at least that i can remember) :)
We built a new airport terminal in 1996 or thereabouts with the usual baseless mentality of build it and they will come..and they didnt come......they actually left !!!!!!!!
Now the T&G reports that Tim Murray feels the terminal which is still like brand new primarily from lack of use ...NEEDS TO BEUPGRADED.......for future anticipated traffic upgrades..........huh? didnt we do that in 1996.........
Tim let's wait and 1st see if we get the traffic increase on commuter rail when add'l train trips are added. Thanks
I omitted that I was in the Jahnmobile with an open 16 oz. frosty.
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