Hamtramck, Michigan want to declare bankruptcy.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Fron todays T&G It also looks like Mike Obrein may b edigging in his heels on municipal pay raises. He says Fiscal 2012 could be worse than 2011. No tto worry htought Obuma will send his pal Deeeeval some stimulus money which Deval will then hand off to democratic leaning locales in Mass. Places like Worc, Brockton, Bawstin, Fall Rivah, New Bedford, etc. You steal a phrase from one pols playbook, the Kennedy Country municipalities. wHO COINED THAT PHRASE when he was running against kennedy?
WTH has Pualie Piedmont been of late?
The old canine must be holed up on Cape Cod? I didnt realize they allowed Slummerville dudes into South Chatham. Maybe they allow them only in the off season :)
Betcha he's put on 10 lbs from eating at Laurino's too much.....!!!!
To steal anothers phrase, is it just me or does anyone else see a possibly bad precedent being set with this latest agreemnt between HC and the city re: rowdy student behavior.
The city has the laws and the resources (cops and a jail) to control this behavior, yet we now have to have an agreement drawn up to address this issue.
Imagine a 3 decker absentee landlord who gets cited because his 224 Chandler type tenants decide to party hardy on a few occasions. Then imagine the council and CM manager coming down hard on the landlord in the T&G.
Then Addtionally, They send in the Code dept and start citing the poor landlord b/c he has some chipped paint, an unregistered car (not his), 2 cracked windows out of 248 window panes, and a cracked piece of vinyl siding where someone threw a rock against it.
So the landlord, following in HC footsteps, asks the CM to sign an agreement about how he will go about being a more law abiding landlord for things which are completely beyond his control.
And to top it all off, this poor bastard Landlord pays the city $3,000 in property taxes (HC pays ++++).
Anyone else getting fed up with special treatment for St James Hill and does it set a dangerous precedent?
For the record, I was known to frequent HC dorm parties, Clark and WPI frats, Worc State College (not Univ.) beer fests at the old Yankee drummer (no one over 21 there), and oterh assorted drunken orgies in a younger day. For the record we also made lotsa noise, crashed Coney Island, and got roused outta the Boulevard.
Once upon a time there was a guy (not me) who had a "beef" with a certain local diner that catered to the "post bar closing crowd" So one Sunday morning about 2:00am he & his pal enters the packed diner with a "gun" in hand and starts shooting at his buddy whose shirt is covered in red liquid. The entire diner clears out. No one pays for their meals. :) Turns out the guy only had a starters pistol and his pals shirt was merely covered with Heinz Ketchup and the diner lost money that night :(
God, I'd just love to tell you folks who used put on some of these college under aged parties and who stood at the door and collected the door charge...but mums the word.
Happy T Day to awl.
I see on a website (Tracey's) that there are now what I would call Worcester based T shirts available. One of them states on it: "product of the Worc Public schoools".......mmmmmmm........not so sure how I'd take that :) Another of the T shirts touts the Paris Cinema. Hey whats going to become of that place anyway and what is going on over at the old Bancroft Chrysler site? I drove by there the other day and the old Chrylser Imperial and Plymouth Valiant signs were exposed when the facade was ripped away. Wonder if they are now illegal signs? Didnt see any vendor pushcarts signs. It is not illegal to have illegal signs in Worc :)
On another note, In T Day's T&G it is said we'll be getting a new bridge over Lake Quinsig. The build out is 2012 to 2016. Also says the new bridge will built along side the existing bridge and then the exitsing br. will be demo'ed.
I have to speculate that a new bridge being built alongside the existing bridge maybe possibly be the ONE of the reason(s) we just lost Bugaboo Creek & Vinny T's. I have to surmise that building alongside the existing bridge would proabbly mean land takings where both of these restaurants were sited?????
So I guess there may have to be asterisks or footnotes re: the closing of these two Shrewsbury/Worc eateries? Possible extenuating circumstances here? ED..eminent domain. That being said, I think that both Bugaboo & Vinnys have closed down other outlets as well so we may never know the real reasons.
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