December 21, 2012

5 May Street

There are alot of questions on the 1,900,000 and the accounting as to where the monies were spent and I am sure we will hear alot more about.    The projected cost, City Hall Council meeting, for these units is 266,538.    Think in the end that will be the cost when completed.

My point is that many people are upset about the cost.   If someone is upset with the cost of 5 May Street then should they not be ten times more upset with the cost of 9 May Street and the literally millions that were spent on sewer upgrades.

I am not trying to defend 5 May Street, since I do not know all the facts.  All I am trying to say is that if you want to complain about the monies spent on 5 May Street then you should be doing the same with these other projects?

  1. 5 May Street 266,538
  2. 9 May Street 414,539
  3. 15 & 17 LaGrange 200,792
  4. Austin Corridor II 355,553
  5. Hadley 514,679
  6. KGH 1 & 2 331,369
  7. KGH 3A 299,610
  8. KGH 3B 365,999
  9. KGH 4 325,995

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