Just reread my last blog, let me clarify one thing.... I do honestly believe that the Airport Commissioners care about the future of ORH and I have respect for anyone that serves on any board. Have you been to a Planning or Zoning Board meeting??? You can not pay me enough money to serve on any of those boards.
Putting that aside, I feel the current Airport Commission, however, must be conducting their business outside the scrutiny of the monthly official meeting, when less then a majority is present. How else can you explain the complete lack of any questions/information on any of these pertinent matters during the meetings??? Some may argue that certain information should in fact be done in secret, to protect the underlying negotiations. I can appreciate that and agree but that is why you have an Executive Session. When was the the last time an Airport Commission called for an Executive Session??
We are in a critical time the next 5 months on ORH and the decisions we make during that time may be with us for the next 20-30 years. I only wish that they Airport Commission would bring all the issues out on the table for all us to see.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
1 comment:
Given that masSport is a foregone conclusion, what is the future of the """"WORC""" airport comm?
will there be a "worc Airport comm'?
Will ORH & Logan have the same commission? a.k.a. No real WOrC Airp Comm!
wIL THER STIL BE A wORC cOMM that operates is thsi one allegedly does now?
Who will be allowed to serve?
If I live in Lynnfield should I have a say on a Worc Comm. and /or am i even a qualififed candidte ?for a seat?
I am sure others can thing of add'l questions
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