Tonight's City Council minutes update on IMG (Jan):
Additionally, IMG is preparing route analysis for two prospective airlines. City staff are working closely with MassPort officials to review and make additional recommendations on these packages. Following the finalization of the packages, MassPort and the City will meet with representatives of the targeted airliness to determine interest in locating at the airport.
Here is the update from last month from the City Council on IMG (Dec):
Additionally, IMG is preparing route analysis for two prospective airlines. We are working closely with Massport officials to review and make additional recommendations on those packages. Following the finalization of these packages, Massport and the City will meet with representatives of the targeted airlines to determine interest in locating at the airport.
Noticing the similarity, I went back two more months (Oct):
Additionally IMG has prepared route analysis for two prospective airlines. We are working closely with Massport officials to review and make additional recommendations on those packages. Following the finalization of these packages, Massport and the City will meet with representatives of the targeted airlines to determine interest in locating at the airport.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I read that and got excited for you guys. Then I continued reading and noticed a pattern.
LOL looks like things have halted for 4 months!
Nice find Bill. 11 councillors and no one picked it up over the course of 3 diff meetings? I'd feel like a mushroom if was one of them.
Reminds me of a bumper sticker that I have not seen in ages:
Do not ask me what it means. For those who dont know, Goggle it
Oh, the advantages of copying and pasting........ The only way that they should release this statement is if there is an airline that they really think is interested in ORH. But right now, I can't really think of any off the top of my head besides SkyValue.
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