One of our first recommendations was to put together an RFP the day the current airport agreement was renewed, July 1st, 2004. The three extension of the 1st five year agreement was an opportunity for ORH to market itself via an RFP and pick the highest/best bidder over the next three years. In other words MassPort had bought us three more years.
I even submitted a letter to the Airport Commission last February (check the minutes) regarding Airport Privatization, since Chairman Nemeth told me that was the only way to make things happen, having to explain to him what it meant. Remember the "proper channels"?? That got dismmissed as quickly as it was reviewed.
Since that time the current concensus (specifically IMG) was that nobody would be interested, so puting it out to bid was a not even considered and we should simply extend the current agreement or long-term/sell ORH to MassPort. Between these two options, we might as well outright sell or long-term lease ORH to MassPort. Continuing the current agreement thatnow has an 8 year track history of failure, increase debt (2 million per year) and no commercial service would be senseless. This did not meant that an RFP for the entire airport was still not the number 1 recommendatio. How could IMG simply say that there would be not interest without putting out an RFP?
Bottom line we should, even now, be putting together an RFP for the entire airport with a front page story in the Wall Street Journal.. In the end if MassPort has the best bid, after a well publicized RFP, then all of these discussions would be moot??? Without a competitive bidding process (RFP), the question then becomes how will we know if we have gotten the best possible offer for the tax-payers of Worcester, the owners of ORH???
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
You are absolutely 100% correct! My only hope is Massport doesn't prove my conspiracy theory right and as soon as the ink dries on the Massport/ORH deal then all of a sudden Massport turns around and announces that Logan airport has a new discount airline starting service from Boston to Florida: Allegiant!
Then my whole analogy of Massport/ORH will coincide with the Springfield Civic Center(Mass Mutual Center)/MCCA debacle.
I hope I am proven wrong, for Worcester's sake.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Folks let's keep in mind that since 1996 , per MP's annual report, flight traffic AND comm. air traffic is DOWN at Logan and Logan has just added add'l capacity in the form of a new runway.
I still sense an underutilized Logan.
Boston Quabbin'ed us in the early 1900's, they Masspiked us in mid 1900's, and now they may well Massport us in the new century.
I heard from someone the other day that not only was Grafton a poss. airport site back in the 1940's, but also there was talk of placing an airport in North Worc in the area of Great Brrook Valley; Clark St School (then St Pierre farm); the Old Poor farm( area of the former Jamesbury co); and out into Shrewsbury. The story goes that Shrewsbury was against it.
I wonder if this is true?
Check out wikipedia, the original Worceser Airport was in North Grafton from 1927 till 1946.
Can anyone come up with a reason why we have not or will not RFP the entire airport???
BIll was that the site of teh current wyman gordon. I beleive ther gov't used to own that land years ago??
no idea??
Hey Bill:
Check out the amenities section of ORH:
How long have they been a WiFi spot? ...great wireless internet with no passengers.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
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