The deadline was initially January 19th and the airport website still says January 19th? Anyone know the status of this RFP?
If the deadline has been extended, until when?
Was there any responders to the first deadline or not?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
You have to click in the site. When you open the site there is a letter from the City Manager and Eric Waldron explaining their next step. Very often these thigs take a few rounds of advertising. Not surprised they didn't get replies.
Officially we had not replies?? Did we extend the deadline of this RFP or are we going to start all over again?
Never mind the letter was self-explanatory. A new RFP is going to be put out by the end of the month offering both parcels. You can bid on one or both.
Evidently nobody bid on the first RFP as Mr Nemeth indicated in the newspaper Sunday.
Now we have 2 parcels available?
Question is.........will they change bid & money requirements ?
If no one bids on 1 parcel with a $48K(?) annual rent then will they bid on 2 (similar??) parcels at $96K rent? Double the bid and double the lack of feasability unless there are huge economies of scale to be gained??
And are both bids for gen'l aviation hangar/building and if so then does anyone want to bid on parcel #1 while I'll bid on parcel #2 and compete head to head with #1 in what is prob a limited market at ORH for gen'l aviation facilities/services??
Let Massport build the facilities and then rent them to private co's.
Why isnt Womag or T&G reporting this?
What's really to report? There were no replies to the bid-pretty commmon in this business climate. Worcester has to look long term not short. It really comes down to who is going to pay the bills till it happens!!
Are you kiddin me??? No replies to a big is common?? Do you remember 52 people wanted packages and there was all sorts of interest in the parcel?? Think Leigh Fisher, now Jacobs, called the parcel highly attractive--what happened??
In this business climate?? What does that mean?? If you are saying that there is only six months left and the uncertainty of who will be running the airport on July 1st. I might agree and in fact, maybe we should hold of the RFP entirely until we know exactly who, and in what capacity, will be running ORH on July 1st.
Business is business but putting together an RFP for a parcel of land and getting no bids should be telling you something.
Doug, form my vantage point, the release of this RFP was the BIG announcement that was touted after we were all licking our wounds re Allegiant. MOB basically said.....not to worry we got a big announceemnt(s) re ORH. Actually I fail to see how an RFP release is so big........but we're dealing with politics and appearances and perceptions here.
So.......If the release was such a big deal (per MOB and ORH'ers))........would not the headline "NO BIDDERS RESPONDED" also be ??? I mean look at today's so called lead T&G story about a paltry $300K reduction in excise tax collections.
Once the propective bride crosses the stage and there are no suitors....isnt she damaged goods a that point?
And the headline would accomplish what...?
I am sure there are not people waiting in line to build hangars and aviation buldings- it is a particular group and it will mean hitting them at the right time. It is going to take a few times to advertise the opportunity to build before you catch someone's eye.I have got to believe with Massport's contacts they are contacting the right groups. This is not Boston, New York or even some smaller more visible city, we are what we are- a good ,medium size city that has "to work a little harder" and it will happen because we are working at it. It just takes time. Again, the issue is :who is going to pay the bills until that time.
You're right Doug. I think it's time the current FBO Swissport should step up to the plate. After observing their website. it appears they are a global corporations capable of multiple contacts and the money to back such an enterprise.
What a perfect opportunity for both Worcester,Massport and Swissport .
You are trying to tell us that the RFP was simply put out there knowing nobody would be bid, just to build interest??? Obviously there is only a certain segment of the business market that builds hangars and runs FBO's, that RFP should have been directed to this group up front so we do not have to do it again.
Putting that aside hangars are being built at other airports around the country at an extremly fast pace. The question Doug is why did nobody although 52 people received packages did not submit a bid.
I myself would never bid on this RFP not knowing who the owner/manager of the airport will be on July 1st. At this point we should hold the RFP's and do try again when the future management of ORH is known.
Doug, IMO the headline would:
1. Keep ORH front and center with the taxpayers who fund it.
2. Alert the taxpayers that the city is again unable to properly estimate costs when they release RFP's.
3. Advise the taxpayers there were 52 interested PRIVATE SECTOR parties that attended the pre bid conferernce that at least think that ORH may have a future if properly mananged.
I disagree that we should have to march this bid out multiple times to secure bidders. If Massport had the contacts, then we would have bidders.
I do agree ORH is a hard sell and we do have to work harder than the average airport. Get a private owner or lessee up there with managers who have their necks on the line if they should fail and I can assure yopu we'll have a viable airport and we'll all be able to look skyward and see the increase in aviation traffic.
Yes it takes time, but gov't entities have had too many bites at the apple at oRH.
The bosses at ORH should not have released the bid again. They should have reached out to all the prospective bidders and asked: What's your problems/issues with our bid package? Think of it as testing the waters before diving in.
Let's take this years snow removal budget and think about using it to subsidize a commercial carrier
Is the city feeling the heat yet about the upcoming deadline on 7/1? They love waiting to the last minute on financial obligations. It's a unique way to conduct business, but not the particular course I would choose. Concepts such as planning, foresight, and consequences elude some in this administration. And I'm not injecting innuendo, conjucture, and rumor here.
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