Every once in a while I need to remind myself, especially after reading the 12 days of X-mas (which I did not write), as to why this blog exists.
First, the airport is huge (1300 plus acres) and has an infrastructure that has cost many millions of dollars to build. How many millions?? Between the terminal, the runways and the various buildings, I bet you at least $30,000,000.. In current dollars if you were to buy a parcel of land (1300 plus acres) and install the same infrastructure in a city like Worcester--maybe more like $100,000,000...
Second, it is an asset to the tax-payers of Worcester. More importantly, the question is has it been an asset?? No, it has not!!! Not only has it not been an asset (Enterprise Account), but it has been a liability. We can not blame MassPort, or anyone else, but ourselves, for it not being the asset that it should be. We all need to figure out how we can make this under-performing asset truly the asset that it should be.
Third, we are at an extremely critical junction with 6 months left in the second operating agreement (3 years) with MassPort, that followed an initial 5 year operating agreement. I believe the next decision that we make effective July 1st, 2007, will determine whether or not this asset will 1) provide a return to the tax-payer or 2) continue as a drain over the next 20 years.
We have 6 months to get this right. Lets hope we have an open discussion of all the options now and do not rush into a decision on June 30, 2007. In the end, we all want the same thing-- an airport that contributes, not detracts, from the bottom line. Time will tell if we get this right.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
City council had a meeting the other night and unanamously voted to dump the airport. What that means exactly, I don't know. That is all I know.
For what it is worth, there was no meeting like this.
I had reasons to listen to a couple of council meetings many years ago. They were only on radio back then.
I always was quite surprised to see the minutae that these guys got into and back then there were only 9 councillors.
Street lights out, Stop sign placements, ridiculous resolutions that have no legal effect, and the like. The problem is that the real imp. issues that shuold have priority seem to get little or no air time. Not unlike the airport comm. & movie shoots.
I was thinking that ORH gets these movie making requests b/c there is no way it will interfer with airport operations (or the lack thereof)????
Bill, you should start a new clock (or meter) that is similar to the "National Debt" clock that I have seen and heard of somewhere before. It would keep track of how much money the city loses by not selling ORH to a private company. Assumiong a $20M sale price that is $500,000 in yearly taxes and i conservatively figure the $20M will earn 9% or $1.8M YEARLY. Thats about $2.3M total annual take. Whats does that come to daily ??
If you call me a liar, then you call Lukes a liar too. I heard it from her mouth. I am just relaying what I have heard. You can't start calling people liars if you do not know all the facts. Whether it be true or not, that is what I heard.
Don't get mad.. Again this proves your point that we should not allow for anonymous comments. In fact I would have deleted it, if it was not so funny.
There was no vote to dump the airport
Bill, people posting lies makes you laugh? And continuing to those who have the "cajones" to identify themselves, it's a great idea to cite your sources when posting. Like, if I heard something, and thought it was relevant, I would say, oh, like, "I heard FROM KONNIE LUKES, that the city council voted unanimously to dump the airport."
Does everyone (with a backbone) see how that has more credibility than just posting unsourced hearsay that is subsequently debunked by Bill? I never said I knew all the facts. I'm just asking everyone who doesn't get scared when they look in the mirror to post responsibly. Contribute useful, substantiated, progressive input. Don't let your nosepickers type the stuff you "heard".
Bill, do you know of any good sandboxes cowards might like to hang out in? Might want to send a link with directions.
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