January 14, 2007

Mayor Lukes Inauguration

I meant to attend, but forgot about it. Read highlights of the speech this morning in the Telegram, but saw no mention of the importance of the airport decision that will need to be made over the next 5 1/2 months. Maybe the Mayor did mention it and it was simply left out. Either way this decision, considering the importance, does not seem to be getting the attention that it deserves.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that Konnie Lukes is all for closing the airport. This I can believe because she proposed to make a wind farm at the airport. (Worcester Magazine, I don't know how long ago, unfortunatley)

Anonymous said...

I have listen to her and I think she knows we need an airport to be a real city, but I don't know if she is willing to push strong for it.

Bill Randell said...

I also believe Mayor Lukes realizes the importance of the airport, but has (like the rest of us) become frustrated with the spiraling annual deficit now over $2,000,000 per year and the lack of progress the past 8 years.