February 15, 2010

Buy Local

I downloaded this off Paul's blog. Picture of a contractor working on the new Worcester Common Ground No income project on Piedmont Street. Bad enough you can not find Worcester contractors, but hey can't we at least keep in the state?
HVAC guy, pictured here, is from Quinebaug, Ct.


Jahn said...

Is there any signage there now or will WCG be buying any signage in the future? Inquiring minds on Dewey St may want to know [g].

And you Chandler St Business group guys really think these CDC'ers wanna work with you folks on storefronts, vacant lots, and other neighborhood issues. They name streets after these CDC'ers...One Way. Next pow-wow you guys have with the CDC/EONS chieftains, they s/b questioned about this.

Wouldnt you think that the city council would insist on Worc. only only contractors & suppliers (at least partially if not entirely) on any NOLO constr that they approve of or any constr that is getting Home Funds

I saw a sign on that duplex that WGC biult opposite the Institutional Linens old site and it said something about financing by Butler Bank which is up I-495 way in Lowell or Lawrence or the North Shore area. The vig must be better up there north of Boston. They'd probably have Boston Sand and Gravel supplying the concrete if they could truck it that far. I wonder whose relatives & friends might work at that bank? To me this looks very unusual as money is such a fungible commodity, that it shouldnt really maater where you get it.

As bill would say...cant make this stuuf up...word verification:


Paulie's Point of View said...

the beautiful peeps in town promote local and expect the little peeps to but for some reason always seem to go out of town or the country for their needs...