February 08, 2010

Hadley Again

Sorry, I drive by it every day. Ironically from 1982-1986 I worked in the warehouse behind Burwick Furniture for Goodyear Wholesale tire. It got me to thinking. Consider this before the Hadley development, you had three commericially taxed parcels:

  1. Burwick
  2. Caravan
  3. Warehouse

I wonder how much we lost annually in taxes. Jahn, what do you think?


Jahn said...

Forget about the loss in real estate taxes, the real elephant in the room is that before we had 3 commercial properties that sent zero kids into the school system.
When this project is complete we'll have how many apts...30 or 40 ???............now multiply that times 13,000 per student for every student that these new residences will produce house. Even if it's only 15 kids that's still $195,000 it costs the city to educate them.

Nothing is more expensive to build or to service (police, fire, schools, social services, etc) than low income housing.

Worc has been HAD, once again

Jahn said...

Folks, I want to comment about the tragic constr site accident that occurred on Super Sunday in Middleton, Ct.

5 men reported dead

I want all to note what the real dangerous jobs are all about. Time and agian I have referenced constr as the the 4th or 5th most dangerous job occupational category.

I want all to notice how these men (note I did not say heros) are quietly laid to rest with relatively little fanfare. They were killed in a tragic accident in the line of duty (their job). I also want all to notice how little they and their remaining families will realize in monetary compensation and gifts.

I sure hope the Middleton, Ct area reaches out with generosity to those who were left behind. I was truly saddened to hear of these accidental deaths.

Bill Randell said...


You took the bait. I knew you would say that.

And you are absolutely correct. Remember when I think it was another blogger who told me the Hadley was going to build all these market rate condos, after this low-mod apartments...

Where are they? Trick question, they are not coming.


Jahn said...

Are there more units planned in the old Sears & Rubbish building or was that incorparted into or part the Hadley.

I seem to recall Tom Hoover was going build us an art district in that area which probably wasnt a bad fit for that area. ONly problem is artists generally seem to think that others should donate so they can paint, photograph, make handbaskets, weave, etc, etc.

I dont know about youse guys I'll take 40 stoner artists apts. there over 40 low income families.

....and God dammit...stop baiting me !!!!!!!!....this venue can raise my blood pressure to unhealthy levels......this blog could be the proximate cause of my premature demise...!!!!!........you got lotsa GL ins. in place on this blog? [g]

and speaking of the school dept, I hear this morning the school dept maybe re-structured or something to that effect. Like most of Worc's re-structuring it will propbbaly involve new buildings that are somehow s'posed to raise MCAS scores....when i was kid we had D group and that's where ya went if'n you was dumb. I was actually in a D Group room, but only for study hall period.

Today we put em on special buses thinking that will some how solve what ails them.

How many dam times are we going to "re-do" education before we just go back to basics?