DCU paid money for the Centrum because people go there. Why do people go there? It is privatized and managed by a company that actually books events.
Don't get me wrong I believe that the naming rights to ORH and Union Station could be worth money but not right now. We need to privatize these assets, long-term lease or outright sale, not discuss naming rights that will bring close to nothing to our bottom line.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Even if we sold naming rights or or sold the property outright..........at best it's a 1-2 year fix to our fiscal woes.........it's a one time infusion of cash and frankly by the time we even get the cash in hand it will be 18 months down the road....plus our sometimes clueless gov't/public sector employees tend to put bids together that make it darn near impossible for a vendor to bid given teh restrictions, etc.
We have to address recurring expenses and that means only one thing...labor costs.......
Another almost useless idea is regionalization........how much do they think vendors can cuts costs on what the local municipalities buy from area vendors just b/c the towns as a group are buying in volume.....I mean if i get together a group of 100 ice cream cone customers how much Can Gary Rosen knock off the price of Newton Sq Heavely Hash Ice Cream Cone...??
Likewise for selling other city services to outlying towns.......I mean our services as they are now are too expensive..........and we're going try to peedle them the area towns.....surely they jest.........kind alike the Post Office trying to sell delivery services to UPS.......
How about we sell our Injured on Duty System to outlying towns ....such that 12% of the towns employees can go out IOD status.......or our sick days policy........
I know what Councilor Rushton was trying to say but he was looking at the cost that the tax-payer was paying not the total cost of the service.
Next time a town puts a bid out of for rubbish removal, let the city of Worcester put in a bid. They would get smoked by private rubbish companies.
Bill sad fact is the city has no idea what it costs them to collect the rubbish......b/c the city is not run on a job cost center type system...all they ever figure in is direct labor costs and they dont factor in overhead..........the really sad part is that think they do know what it costs..........they're not aware of what theu dont know and their own talent limitations.........
How about we sell the naming rights to the never on time MBTA commuter rail service. Harry gets 2nd bite at the apple. ......Ill be first........."Together We Can't" ....or.... "Deval's Purple Haze"
Hey Bill can we have a regular post every Wednesday with for the most ridiculous comments/proposals of the previous nights council meeting? Here's a few to start:
Looking for "cost cutting and savings ideas". What's the difference?
City want's its own claims experience from the GIC so they can decided which is a better deal. Anyone with an insurance background should know better that these joint purchases only work if the good groups subsidize the bad groups.
As far as naming rights, I'd suggest we rename the wastewater treatment plant to the Worcester City Council Effluent Center.
Sorry, just can't take any more of the nonsense. On the bright side it may get more folks watching the meetings.
Any mention of the HUD loan or low / no income housing?
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