Worcester Business Journal interview here. Surprisingly he still does not know the passenger loads of the only airline, Direct Air, that flies out of ORH?
So has Direct Air been filling most of their flights?
I don’t have their exact numbers but I know they’ve had some great high-load factors and some low-load factors.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I am flying to Myrtle Beach this April. Just booked me tickets yesterday.
I flew to Philly from PVD and the flight down was 90% full and the flight back was 50% full. So you are always going to have good and bad loads.
Sunday's T&G Mr Warneck said this Sautday and Sunday's flights were 100% full and last Thursday on had 5 seats remaining. Looks like February should be a good month
Come on ......he has to have a feel for the loads or at least the Approx loads?????
I mean anyone who's been around air travel for a while can tell just by looking at the baggage load, people in line a tthe counters on flights days, the parking lot receipts, trash receptacles all filled etc..........there have to be other tel ltale signs..... is there a turn stile with a counter on it that all pasengers have to pass through??...........
Bill, if you walk into your store after there's been a good run on it........ you can tell immedialtely that you've just been hit hard by customers.......right???....... there are tell tales signs that anyone who's been in your bizz can pick up on immedialtely?????
Shouldnt a good manager have their fingers on the pulse of the business....and volume is maybe THE THE THE most important indicator.......I'll give him the benefit of the doubt b/c hes new at ORH and mabey still be learning the lay of the landscape and getting his feet under the desk..........any line employee up there should know all about passenger volume......
He knows exactly what the loads are and I am sure Jon that the loads for February have been excellent. That is not surprising with school vacation.
The thing is one month per year is not going to keep an airline flying out of ORH.
Bill, thats what i meant to put across............so what does it say about transparency & being candid & frankly being honest.......
Maybe he s/b sitting on the airport commission where non dislosure is the standard Motis Operandi.........
what do you have to do???.......ask a councilor to file an order asking him so you can get an answer...it borders on the absurd......that the taxpayers of Worc cant get this info...
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