New and improved Telegram has a great color ad on the bottom of page 4 and page 5 advertising great liquor prices for the New Hampshire liquor store. I resent this on two levels.
First, you can not keep going up on taxes, people will buy their products elsewhere. The cigarette business has already moved out of state, liquor sales may next followed by gas and then soda/water.
Second, I really question the Telegram running this. Here I am selling their newspaper along with many other retail outlets and we are selling a newspaper telling our customers to shop somewhere else? I can only imagine how Yankee Spirits and other liquor stores, who run ads in their newspaper, feel right now.
Guess I just feel that a local newspaper that wants local support should not run an ad that hurts the local economy that they want support from??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Does selling the Telegram bring any customers into your store?
If not, vote with your wallet. Cancel the paper, and tell your customers why. (Just don't give them the address of the NH liquor store)
Very good point. I only sell about 10-12 papers per days which netx me something like $2.
Cant help but think Of Duddie and all the advertising he does in not only T&G but also Womag..........years ago Womag ran a bit of a hit piece/"history" piece on Duddie i heard he went bonkers when he read it ......given all teh advertising he does in WOmag ...........same thing for T&G........although not really "hit pieces".....they too have run "pieces" about the wealthiest guy in Worc & and anyone can read between the lines............++++'ing him off as well..........what can ya do about it though ...... the only 2 media outlets in town for years now..............move to Rte 20 in auburn???............
I don't really think the Telegram can afford to turn away advertising right now Bill. Where is your huge ad?
The NH state stores aren't just cheaper, their a little better too and offer a better selection than most Mom and Pop packies. I won't go out of my way. If I am going to go out of the way I'll go to Yankee Spirits or Julio's, but if I am on my way too and from Maine or NH I will usually stop at the border and window shop and price out bottles I have been wanting.
I don't know where I sit overall in the liquor market though. I have never been a "get hammered on as little money as possible" kind of guy.
Bill, I have actually been wondering for a while, and feel free to tell me if this is none of my business, but if Canterbury St were to ever gentrify, would Randell's change along with it?
Liquor stores are to me some of the most interesting businesses when it comes to gentrification because the demand completely changes from 40's, nips, 30 packs, and Boone's farm to craft beer, scotch, and higher end wine.
I guess there will always be a market for 30 packs of Busch though, no matter what neighborhood you are in.
I have probably shared this before, but I remember when I first moved in down here, going into the now closed Bancroft Liquors and asking if he was going to change his stock to reflect some of the new people moving into the neighborhood and he looked at me like I was the biggest asshole that had ever been in his store.
my number one selling product is heineken and we sell alot of cognac. including xo which comes in at 120 -130 per bottle.
liquor store will sell what people are buying.. i know jay lonstein, who ran bancroft, and he was burnt out. as a result his business dwindled and closed.
this is not just package stores. the message is clear, go to new hampshire to buy your products. if i ran the telegram and i had small conveniences stores selling my newspaper, i would not accept ads telling the customers who buy the papers in the store to go somewhere else.
my number one selling product is heineken and we sell alot of cognac. including xo which comes in at 120 -130 per bottle.
liquor store will sell what people are buying.. i know jay lonstein, who ran bancroft, and he was burnt out. as a result his business dwindled and closed.
this is not just package stores. the message is clear, go to new hampshire to buy your products. if i ran the telegram and i had small conveniences stores selling my newspaper, i would not accept ads telling the customers who buy the papers in the store to go somewhere else.
My buddy who retired to Cape Cod had to come back to Worc for social gathering yesterday ( Thursday) he ran up to NH as he's been doing now for years.......stocked up on beer & butts & who knows maybe gas, too.
There's a reason outsiders call us Mass-Holes...look what people in this state keep electing to local, state, and fed'l offices.
All Beacon Hill Reps
Deval & Tim (lower property taxes ?)
Mc govern
Barney Frank
Ted kennedy
Any others I missed.
Jahn wrote:
"Any others I missed."
You missed more than you hit, but a good analogy is shooting fish in a barrel.
What really amazes me is that, in view of massive lay-offs across the state, the pols still find it necessary to spend millions per year at ORH to maintain part 139 certification.
Nowhere have I seen that part 139 certification is a continuing condition of federal funding.They merely have to keep the airport OPENED, not 139 certified.
the airport is a luxury for this city that it can not afford
we just went thru another high economy wise albeit another bloated one and we grabbed and lost within monhs a good airline co. and towards the bust a questionable one..that was it!
What are the chances over the next five years that Mick O'Brien will even have time to deal with this if he is even around?
Worcester is a small college town and it should start developing a master plan around this reality!
We do not have the demographics necessary to support a neighbors are only flying if Congressman McGovern has me pay for it (Jim could possibly force the airlines to up the food quality on the basis that good nutrition should be a given for all that fly:>) and from what I am neighbors are a huge demographic in this city and this demographic is getting bigger not smallah - ask any landlord in this city!
Isn't NH CLOSING liquor stores due to budgetary restraints?
Harry T
NEWSWEEK expose on the new generation of 'pajama people'...
Harry T
Worcester, MA
What about direct flights to and from Puerto Rico? All seriousness.
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