Jahn, I watched a little of the City Council and I think there were three potential sites that Unum was looking at:
- City Square
- Gateway
- Washington Square parcel
All public financed/subsidized properties--- not one private entities. Why would they move to another privately owned building in Worcester when they already own a building in Worcester?? Answer: In the end after the money/subsidies that will be thrown at UNUM, they can probably save a boat load of money renting new digs and renting or selling their old pad.
Maybe UNUM is not looking to pay market rent for their new temporary home, since I still feel that they will ultimately leave the City of Worcester and consolidate in Maine and Tennessee. What better exit strategy then to rent new space, below market value, while divesting in your real estate holdings.
Ultimately if UNUM were to move to City Square and this became the catalyst then it would be a good thing. At the same time I don't think any of us had UNUM in mind, when all of the public monies were spent on the above three development parcels to attract business to Worcester.
Lastly got to agree with Councilor Palmieri on this one, I did not realize Gateway Park was to be an office park?
Youngstown just got Allegiant to fly temporarily during spring break and if sucessful may add more flights from what is posted on the Youngstown blog
Maybe this could be tried with other airlines at Worcester.
Great idea, but after we called them all sorts of names after they left ORH???
I do not see them coming back to ORH. At the same time it is worth a try considering we have 300,000K left from the DOT grant monies.
Especially with gas prices coming down, a give us a try and kick the tires approach couldn't hurt. Cape Air would be a good start
I THINK WAS TIM mURRAY our esteemed Lt Gov (soon t/b Gov) who called them backstabbers and said dont let the door hit ya on the way out.
Lord, you might think he was some kind crazy blooger....using such words.
Let me also add my esteemed friend Robert Z Nemeth also had some unkind parting words for Allegiant as well.
Let's sing a new version of SchoolHouse Rock's classic song, I'm just a Bill(Randell) ...
"I'm just a Bill.
Yes, I'm only a Bill.
And I'm sitting here on Airport Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To any Florida city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in New England’s 2nd largest city,
But I know I'll see a plane someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a Bill."
With all apologies to the great ABC program School House Rock !!!
Harry T
WOW......I just read the Sept 29 Worc Buss.Journal. They report that the Mass Technology Collaborative's..... "Large On Site Renewables Initiative"
gave GRANTS to INVESTIGATE renewalble energy sources to many central Mass recipients.
Two of the recipients really pop out at me:
Holy Name School 575,000
Holy Cross 40,000
These grantors have got to be kidding.............HC with millions and who knows maybe even billions in their endowment adn the taxpayers have to pony up $40K for them to investigate renewalable energy sources.
And Holy Name got $575,000 TO INVESTIGATE....or was it it to investigate and build a renewable energy source?
You folks already know what I am thinking...religious non profits that are flush with cash being the beneficiaries of public assistance.........PLUS..... I see a fuel assistance envelope coming up soon in my stack of church envelopes.........time to drop the church ceiling down by 10 feet!!!
Isnt St Jahns on a hill, too. Bill you got to dime up the good Fr Xavarian and get him on this gravy trian!!!!
You know as I watched that windmill at Holy Name be erected and as I read Jeffs blog about it, I thought to myself............is there really a proper payback on an investment in a windmill..............well now I know how & why Holy Name is bowing at the altar of renewbale energy.....575,000 reasons why.
And Will HC decide to build a windmill too on my dime. This should really get under the skin of those who are pro Pilot payments.
You know what I just thought of..........maybe b/c these educational institutions are exempt from zoning AND also b/c obviously they are on hills they got the money............but what about South high........that's high up on a hill isnt it and I was told years ago the place has electric heat, too??? Why not the airport, too
Good God I need to do a renewable energy novena up on Mt St James......but 1st I have to go to confession....BLess me Father for I have blogged agaisnt the church.............is that a venial or a mortal sin ........there will be a second collection......AMEN !!!!!!.Penance for the good taxpayers......it never seems to end
Geesh Harry that going into the wayback machine for that one!.
What can you do for "Conjunction Junction What's Your Function"?
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