- "Income Restrictions Apply" --- in other words if you make to much money you can not rent here
- "Housing Vouchers Encouraged" self explanatory
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
It isn't bad enough that we have too much LIH but now they're advertising this fact with banners. What a message to send to the public when you're tag line is "city on the move".
Do I owe you a drink now that UNUM has committed to City Square?
Think that I do.
I think we need to rendezvous at EVO's so we can celebrate! And yes, the first drink is on you.
Maybe we can get Jahn to join us so I can try to convert him to a "glass half-full kinda guy".
Speaking of CitySquare, here is some additional information from this morning's announcement via the Worcester Business Journal Noon update. It looks like UNUM will occupy 194,000 sq. feet
Not Until the likes of an F&D starts pounding away aND THE ENTIRE demo job is completed and new building is built and UNUM is in the building. Sorry but the "goods" gotta be delivered before before anyone has to open their check books.
We been waiting since winter of January '06 just for demo.
Some more details at telegram.com
UNUM's building of 194,000 sq. ft. will be known as One Mercantile Place.
I agree with you, but my bet with Dewey was if there would be announcement. Dewey, I will treat you for a beer over the next week at Evo.
Paulie can come and if Jahn shows, he only drinks Jahngermeister.
Do I owe you a drink now that UNUM has committed to City Square?
Think that I do."
you said you would buy me one also:>)
That's unfair discrimination if I ever did see. It's unusual to find discrimination against people WITH money. Is that even legal though? I wonder what the ACLU would have to say about this. Interesting topic.
Big A;
You bring up a good point, I wonder if it is legal??
The developer needs to do this since the grant monies that they received was contingent on low to mod-income income people living in the building. If there was an audit and it was discoved that people of non low to mod income were living there, then a portion of the grant would have to be paid back.
Here is the kicker. Alot of times depending how they got the money back the presiding jurisdiction (pj) has to pay the money back. Lets says the City of Worcester give you a $100,000 of Home Funds to rehab some apartments and you need to rent them the next 15 years (affordability period) to low to mod income residents. An audit takes place and you, Big A, are out of compliance, the City of Worcester needs to pay back the 100,000 not you.
ANyone ever notice how Low income is always clearly defined by certain dollar amts, yet the politicians will never define middle income or high income with specific dollar amt. ranges.
So then anyone who doesnt fit the low or moderate income definition is therefore high income?
Whats the diff between moderate income and middle income in terms of dollars.
So Tim Murray said Monday on Levy's so called talk radio show that Marianne Walshs new state hack job ($120,000) at HEFA was critical to being able to "gro" jobs in Mass. So Tim, now that she's stepped aside and not taken the job, will Deval fill the job that has been vacant for 12 years with someone else?. I'l bet he doesnt....so how imp. could the job be then to "growing" jobs?.
Remember folks if ya cant make it in your given calling....just run for office.
And my property tax bill just arrived today........but I am still waiting for my Property tax cut there Deval & Tim. Time for hope and change in my tax bill. God dam joke..!!!!!! Two lawyers who wouldnt know a legal brief from a pair of BVD's
Dam soory, i hadnt finished.
So a few years from now we going to have similar sign hanging in the Canal District as the train brings in reverse commuters from the boston top Worc?
Dittos for Unum's old building, too?
This slow income locomotive has to be derailed.
I bet they don't have a permit for the sign.....
...you could use the old UNUM building for after hours parties, once the bars close...
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Harry Maybe you can arrange for a 70+ year old Chesty Morgan at these after hours parties.....assuming she hasnt OD'ed herself to death and that she hasn't been deflated......whaddaya think???.....who needs Hurricane Betty ???
Paulie will supply the Guinness??
I'll send a case of Jahngameister
Does anyone know the status of fines against WCG? They were facing $10K per month if they didn't get the place filled.
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