He has been fighting a housing plan (16 unit supportive sober house) by SMOC right on their main drag (Pleasant Street), that the preceding Mayor had actually endorsed. Read the story on the Telegram.
My favorite is, however, SMOC was seeking to call the building eductional use to avoid property taxes. Hey is the building on Newton Square considered educational use and tax - exempt? In addition the plan had little or no parking, sound familiar?
Bottom line is Mayor Hawke is winning this fight.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
How about we get our local statehouse delegation to de-fund SMOC unless they stay in South Middlesex county where they belong?
Probably never pass b/c all teh greater boston and suburban legislators would be scared that their locales would get dumped on by SMOC
But i guess I never understood how SMOC has now morphed into SMOC AND WOC (W=Worc) SMOC should stay in S. Middlesex locales such as Sgerborn, Sudbury, Stow, Wayland, & Weston and peddle their social services there where all the so called limosine liberals rest their heads and raise their kids
Wonder if they'll now move from Pleasant St in Gardner to Pleasant St in Worcester. See if pretty Boy Robbie can stop em this time by defunding them again?
This SMOC is big business and huge growth industry as more and more disabilities are invented & diagnosed to keep them growing.
Gee you guys are letting me down here.
BIll, I build houses.
You come to me and want buy from me my classic Castle de Jahn style home complete with vaulted ceilings and refrigerated cellars full of Jangermesiter barrels of brew......which brew can be imbibed whilst watching an empty skating rink and an empty porn theatre facade from your balcony.
WE sign a so called latter of intent.
Would you as potential buyer sign this letter if I had no financing in place to build you a Castel De Jahn?
I say no way in hell would you sign it.
No one else but me sees the folly of the scenario that is unfloding here?
Hypothetically....Paulie.....you and I been talking for 3+ years about me buying yor nicely painted casa on Chandler St. I am anxious to get in there and kick some "224 ass"...!!!!!!! [g]
We come to a meeting of the minds.........but I aint got no finacing inspite of being at with u for 3+ years.......would you whip my ass for wasting u time?
You reaction to me would be....?????
everyone sleeping here??
Okay Jahn I'll bite on your "knock" on Berkeley Investments "lack" of financing.
First off, if you read or listened to any of Young Park's comments regarding the UNUM announcement, he stated that he had been speaking with the financial institutions for awhile now once the agreement with UNUM looked like it would be a reality. In this economy, financing is not as readily available as in the not too distant past. That is why Young Park (a very astute businessman) started arranging the financing before the actual announcement.
Just like I correctly predicted the deal with UNUM to jump start this project, I will guarantee that this announcement would not have been made if it is not a done deal, financing included.
Finally, I told my father that I would take him to breakfast at the Corner Lunch (one of his faves) and then go to the former Outlet Mall on the day demolition commences. He like you is skeptical (and he isn’t from Missouri, are you?) and wants to actually see the demolition begin before being a believer. I think the two of you may be joined at the hip.
Why don't you join my father & I on the big day. Breakfast will be my treat!
Dave Z:
I will be there for the free lunch..
Next week end EVO
TY for the offer Dave.........maybe some day..........
I was just taking what i read in T&G that day and it says they dont have fianncing right now......but where making "headway"......IMO after 3 years the headway should all be in the rearview mirror??????
Please keep in mind thsi si the same park young who led city to bleive demo would start in March of 2006.
was it not also predicted that other announcemnts would be forthcoming with UNUM annoucment??
I am worse than skeptical..............but i do believe this will happen ....at sometime........i am knot frum Missouri......i have 28 teeth, own no guns, and dont consider squirrel to be a delicacy........lol............and Show Me only refers to harry's gal pal Chesty .......[g]
I will be dead or close to dead before Ill ever know if city Sq is a success.................took worc center 20 years before it went on life support as the Outlet Malls.....and than another decade b4 they pulled the plug
MY word verification today is "psychin"......
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