I started doing this Twitter stuff recently. The verdict it still out, but I got to tell you one neat application. Blute has his own Twitter account and monitors it while he is on the radio in the morning.
Maybe you want to ask a question, but do not want to call or you are in the middle of getting ready for work. You can send him a Tweet and they will ask the question for you. Today I send in a question for Karen Polito and within 5 minutes the question was being asked.
Not bad.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I have heard of Tweety bird, but ...Tweety Bill ?!?!?!?!?
Harry T(witter)
Yo Bill: I managed to have 4 friends of mine book a golf outing in Myrtle Beach through Direct Air. They fly out next month.
Harry T(win engine Cessna)
Worcester, MA
I was listening this morning when Blute and Stolz almost peed their pants... WE HAVE A TWITTER MESSAGE!!!
For what is worth many times I want to call in and ask a question but you are running around getting ready or if you call, you get put on hold for a commercial and have to hang up.
Seriously send them a question on Twitter and it will get read right away. GREAT IDEA!!
...ok Tweety Bill...
Harry T(weeter Center)
Peter Blute has a twitter account but the station can't even have a live web site that is updated.
The last one was a disaster and now it simply scrolls through the hosts and states a website is coming soon.
Allegiant stock is at its all time high...
Harry T
Direct Air April loads should be pretty good... less than 3 weeks left in the month and quite a few sold-out flights...
Harry T(ravel agent)
Worcester, MA
Ok ...so now you have Peter Blute's Twitter account ...no how about his sister Paula Ebben's ???
Harry T
Good question, Bill. I dont even contact or listen to WTAG. I mean, we all know that Jordan is the king of local politics and in a certain sense every politican has to kiss his ring the way the Republicans have to kiss Limbaugh's. That isn't to say I disagree with Jordan. Most of the time I do. However, I think he is blind on the pension issues, the police, the fire and maybe even why we should continue to keep Paln E govt. But I digress. WCRN needs a real website. Hank is doing his best. with wakeupworcester. EVERY station that is streaming needs to have an online presence, and the CRN folks are lacking. The twitter thing is OK, but --OK, I will say it-- the main morning guy is intellectually lacking. A real radio "celeb" neeeds to go out and get the interviews, meet the people, and bring on the stories. Especially the local stuff. The WORCESTER stuff. Heck, man, even try man in the street interviews.----Heinrich
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