They had seminar today on the Central Mass Transportation Network. If I had know, I would have loved to have gone. Just got an e-mail alert from the Worcester Business Journal. Must read click here.
Here is part:
Freni said if Massport were to buy the facility, any profits gained by the city in the sale "would be placed back into the airport. Any funds paid to Worcester in the sale would be applied to the operations of the airport." He said the city and Massport could arrange a profit sharing partnership subsequent to the sale.
Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray, who moderated the panel, quipped after Freni's presentation that the city now knows where Massport will begin negotiations around the airport's sale. "I'm sure those negotiations will be tough," Murray said. "They always are."
Can we please start talking to someone else other then MassPort??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Hey Bill,
I'll buy your store from you, but whatever I pay you for it, you must leave in the cash register when you leave.
Ten Million sound like a good price?
Exactly.. I do not understand how National Express was able to keep the profits when they sold Stewart to the Port Authority of New York. They were not forced to put profits back into the airport?
MassPort wants to take over ORH for nothing and split the profits with us. Anyone who knows anything about business knows that it is very easy to cook the books to show no profit.
Profits in Worcester? The way Massport spends money? That's funny.
They don't need to cook the books.
I'd be curious to see Bedford's profits. That's owned by Massport.
So they are saying that you Bill, will buy my head shoppe fROm me and then you & I will have a profit sHaring arangement after you buy out my COMPLETE 100% interest in my shoppe. how thE hell deos that work & HOW CAN U CALL THAT SALE.AS i STILL HAVVE a profit sharing arrangement with after you completley buy me out
You wait and see how convoluted this transcation becomes (assuming it ever happens). No one will ever be able to figure what the city got or didnt get from the so called sale?
Now that he constr season is full bloom, has anyone seen any city crews or private crews with flagmen.
Now a city crew with a flagman will OR a private crew working for a Worc citizen with a falgman will save either the taxpayer (DPW)and/or the citizen money. So why arent we doing it then?
And my favorite beef that I have seen twice in the last few days, Fire Dept deputy chiefs and their fire fighter (so called) chauffuer) tooling aorung town in Ford Expeditions? In these times, BS like chaufeurred deputy chiefs should end.
Is this T&G hit piece on UMass EMT that was in Sundae's paper a round about attempt to get ambulance service under the auspices the Fire dept.....which really should be called teh NO Fire Dept.....b/c there are hardly any more fires realtive to years gone by
Does anyone out there think this looming sales tax showdown between Deval and the legislature is merely a 100% scripted dog & pony show?
On another note, Mr Jmaes Schaefer Mc Govern was arrested at a 1971's style hippie sit in re: the issue of Darfur. And this is the same clown who goes down to Havana and breaks bread with Mr Fidel Castro, one of the worlds most brutal dictators. McGoverns actions are a God dam ++++'ing joke given all teh issues going on right here in his home district and he's worried about events happening 1000's of miles from here and other idiotic ideas like a Dept of Peace. The man will not take on any hard/difficult issues here at home.
Get your ass home James and start paying attention to your constituents problems....!!!!!!!!! Time to run this guy outta office and I dont give a rat's derriere if he's a so called "good guy" or not!!!!!!!
Paulie, re your NOLA S+++house situation.
The next time one of these non profits has an open house for their latest low income housing develpoment and all the pols show up for the free lunch, you should stop by and see if they have are required to have Porta-Pottie S+++houses.
I have been to one (corner of Pleasant & Mason) & drove by another at Russell and Townsend or somewhere in that area. I know it was Russell I just can not recall the intersecting street.
Neither had portable S+++houses. What's good for the gosse is good for the gander.
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