Next time you are in your local corner store or mini-mart ask the owner what has happened to their cigarette sales since the dollar per pack tax that was insituted last year. Depending how well you know him or her, then ask if they collect less or more money now? I personally can tell you that we collect less money now after the $1 per pack addition.
My point being the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is not an island. If you add taxes on to gas, soda, candy or add a sales tax, this does not necessarily mean that you will collect more revenues. Same goes for the income tax.
Yesterday I was talking to a guy who spends alot of time in Florida. He told me after reading how the income tax may be going up that he is definately going to do whatever he needs to do to declare residency in Florida. Not only would he save income taxes, but the estate tax is less and he would get a break on his property taxes.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Are your total cigarette revenues down, or are your cigarette tax collections down?
Of course, all those lost sales are because those people have given up smoking, due to the diligent efforts of our legislature.
On a completely unrelated note, smoking is up in Hew Hampshire.
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