She mentione that she utilizes Twitter at last City Council meeting. Does anyone have her account name?
Kate Toomey Twitter account, click here. I am going to follow her and she is following me.--thanks Brendan.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
It's almost as interesting as watching bread dough rise...
thanks brendan
I was saying the same thing Wormy..anyway how are you feeling?
To steal anothers it just me or does anyone else have any issues with a so called editorial (?) in the Sunday T&G (4-05) re: the Hand It Over Theatre (HIOT)
"We built it and they came" is a quote from one the HIOT's founders. Yes but who the hell paid for it?
The writer refers to teh HIOT's founders as hard nosed entrepeneurs. Cut the BS ( no, not Bob Spellene). This is akin to calling the CEO pimms of teh Low income housing type entrepeneurs,too
The founders of the HIOT are hardly entrepeneurs. Their only entrepeneurail spirit is learning how to rape the taxpayers of Worcester for millions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies. As Howie Carr would say, both of these founders are merely non profiteer, tax fatten hyena's.
The writer goes on to say how the restoration initially started out at $5M and ended up costing $32M. Can you say Federal Squares version of the Big Dig (taxpayers had to dig deeper into their pockets). I know projects can go over budget............but 540% over budget. Now that's some kinda entrepeneurship..!!!!!!
MR SeibELS (HIOT CEO) says:
"We've been able to pay our bills and meet our expenses" [OF $2.2m].
What both the writer and CEO fail to mention is that to meet their expenses the taxpayers of Worc are picking up an estimated $750,000 in property taxes of which the HOIT has been relieved of by virtue of going non profit........after they raped the taxpayers of millions to restore the Gad dam place. Screw me once out of millions shame on you................screw me into perpetuity for $750,000 annually.......well shame on me
To the writer, next tiem how about more full disclosure of thsi screwing the taxpayers have taken on this mess.
And the 40$ annual spin off the O Brien mentions.......well I am from Missouri.....adn this is the same newspaper that ripped the summer nationals re: spin off form that event in an article a few months ago...??? This summer....I am going to bring my '66 Chevelle with the 396 in it and 4 speed Hurst and scrub out in front of the HIOT and sett off all the smoke detectors right in the middle of play.
Paulie will you bail me out? The charge will probabably be disturbing the peace, multiple counts of failure to use care and caution when starting, and air pollution.
The GOD DAM TEA PARTY s/b held at Federal Square and not at Lincoln Square.
Feeling good, Paulie. (Heh... sometimes it's hard to get a word in edgewise here.)
Be aware of all the blogging 'fire'storms you create...
You don't want Donald Trump showing up at your door to say "You're fired!!"
Harry T(aking a hike...)
The link above got cut off, here is the story from Arizona...
Blogger claims police search of home was a threat
by Michael Ferraresi - Mar. 19, 2009 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic
Police officers accused of drunken driving. A female officer's alleged promiscuity and infidelity. A commander whose critics labeled his son a child molester.
Jeff Pataky said he uses negative complaints and anonymous tips to fuel his blogging crusade against Phoenix police. A headline on his Web site suggests rewards would be provided for "dirt" on police indiscretions.
Pataky, a former software sales and marketing executive who now focuses his energy shoveling content on, said he believes his online criticism of the department - along with past criticisms of police investigations - led officers to serve a search warrant at his home last week.
Police officials said Wednesday that a Phoenix detective prompted the investigation after complaining about harassment, though they declined further comment.
Pataky said he felt the investigation was a response to a lawsuit he filed on Monday in U.S. District Court saying he was maliciously prosecuted by police in 2007 after his ex-wife accused him of harassment, a case later dropped. In his lawsuit he's asking for an unspecified amount for damages. City officials declined to comment on pending litigation.
Pataky's blog is known in law-enforcement circles for its off-color language that, according to the blogger, is aimed at Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris, Maricopa County Andrew Thomas and other public officials.
"Too bad. They need to get over it," Pataky said. "They are held to a higher accountability."
Pataky said he edits the blog and works with four or five people who receive tips from a variety of sources, including sworn and retired officers.
Investigators confiscated computer material and other items from Pataky's north Phoenix home, which he considered a threat to quit writing.
"We have heard internally from our police sources that they purposefully did this to stop me," Pataky said. "They took my cable modem and wireless router. Anyone worth their salt knows nothing is stored in the cable modem."
Phoenix Assistant Chief Andy Anderson said the harassment case is unique because of the connection to an unaccredited grassroots Web site. He said the blog is one part of the case, though he did not provide specifics of the ongoing investigation.
"This isn't about the blog," Anderson said. "That's just where the investigation led."
Police also served a separate search warrant at the home of former homicide Detective David Barnes, one of the investigators on the "Baseline Rapist" case.
Barnes was demoted from the homicide unit to patrol after he went public one year ago with claims of mismanaged evidence at the city's crime lab.
Mark Spencer, president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, said he was concerned about questionable probable cause to enter Barnes' house. The union, which claims no affiliation with Pataky's blog, will represent Barnes through the internal investigation.
Harry T
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