There was a story in the newspaper how some people do not want the City of Worcester to ask job applicants if they have have been convicted of a crime. Click here for story.
I am all for given a person a second chance and have had many people work for me that have a record. At the same time I want to know about someone's criminal record when I decide to hire them or not. Do not think the City of Worcester should not ask this question either?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
There's a much more succinct ordinance being proposed at this link.
So then maybe any cops fired as a result of Payroll gate will be able to get re hired? Dont ask.dont tell.....sounds like Clintons policy on gaylords in the military?
Would that include city councilors too? They are employees....right?? any prospective candidates who might be thinking of running will have no worry if they are convicted felons?
Talk about a prescription for hiring the least common denominator..............this is consistent with what goes on over on Irving st.........i mean come on ...... the customers of Worc deserve the best we can hire...........Let Glodis and And Dismas house find these bad guys work in the dreaded private sector (as Howie would say).
Let em bust their cahonnes doing real work....and...not hiding out in the DPW truck behind the local shopping center with the mail man and the gas company guy and the mass elec. guys sleeping in their "Bread Boxes" as they refer to them
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