September 18, 2008

Scott Zobach's Worcesteria

• DIRECT AIR GETS SIGNED: The city is quickly getting ramped up to roll out the red walkway for Direct Air with some needed signage improvements. After a lightning-quick bid period, Sunshine Sign Company is providing five unspecified replacement signs for the airport at a cost of $3,341.30. The city also contracted with Lamar Central Outdoor to provide 6-8 lighted 14x48 signs on major highways in the Worcester, Metrowest, Hartford, Springfield, and Fitchburg/Leominster areas starting this month. Those are likely part of the up to $300,000 in public funds committed to Direct Air for advertising.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the out of work pushcart vendors can now be employed to wear Direct Air sandwich boards and they can be piad $75 a day to walk through downtown with them.

Those pushcart vendors who are still employed with pushcarts can place Direct Air bumper stickers on their carts.

Imagine being a pushcart vendor in this city for years and now possibly being legislated out of business......and you see Direct Air carpet bag into town and be promptly handed 300 large.

I know, I know, we had to use it or lose it.

Any news out of the Lincoln Sq concrete bunker re Paygate? The further back we go, the more stones we have to turn over...huh??

Kinda funny how Chief Gemme has money to burn when it's his old payroll records he has to extract, peruse, photo-copy, and re-file them....yet ask him for 100 pages of documents via a public information request and it will cost you 10 bucks a page.

Hey I saw A WFD Ford Expedition today with a district chief riding shot gun and a FF'er/chaffuer driving it. I thought we did away with that BS in the last contract?

Anonymous said...

Are these lighted sign already in place like the one by Polar Cola on I290?

Anonymous said...

Now Worc's needs its own rules/laws for Worc police details...WTH !!!!!! Hasnt Gemme got enough on his plate now.

This is one of the downsides from promotion w/in.... i.e. all those who had the details gravy trian when they were moving up through the ranks (e.g. Gemme) now want to maintain (& oversee) the status qou.............

As Howie carrs says thsi morning, these proposed police detail law changes and the laying off of 100 Pike tolltakers is all smoke & mirroirs aimed toward gettign the voteers to vote down Quest. 2 re: elimination of the state income tax............after teh nov. electiosn these peoposals will be 99% watrered down and or deep six'ed

Question: How come we didnt need a police detail to harvest teh beetle infested tree on Arrart St the other day.


a. police deatails arent needed for city work crews...only for private contractors ( the height of hypocrisy!)

b. they already had a dozen city and gov't beetle people there to over see it.

Anonymous said...

No post re: the proposed sports complex on Lake Ave at Lake park area?

More infrastructure for the city to maintain so a disabled jock(s) can maybe get their name on a skating rink............and.........the Sharks & Tornadoes are going to finance it themselves.........I''ll believe that when Hades freezes.

Better warn the police to keep an eye on the Tornadoes Hanover field........lest a couple of pajama people start stealing the metal bleachers components form Hanover Prk.thinik that its going to be dismantles......maybe a special police detail is in order?

Please, let's first worry about Union Station, the airport, paving my street, & implementing some of the recommendations of thw Worc Research Bureau.