Called just asked about CitySquare. Jordan told the caller Berkeley will be out and major local employer will be taking over.
Gee I wonder who that will be??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
"SCOOP" Randell, once again!
Harry T
I wonder if this large Worc employer is the successor company to another large Worc employer, which employer built a village in Worc that was named after the president or CEO of the former company?
It took a village (via eminent domain?) back in the 1960' forward to takes a downtown to build a square. And back in the 1960's this village was going to cure lotsa urban social ills. As I have said once or twice have "change you can believe in" have to change the people, not the buildings.
Please just Hand It Over...The Worcester Fashion Outlets that is.
On the other hand is always good to see another Worcester company expanding its real estate holdings in Worcester, b/c frankly 15 years ago the sentiment was this company was going to be sold off and would leave Worcester.
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