Refer to the Mass Open Public Meeting Laws here and then look at the Airport Board Minutes at the blog below. It appears to me that these minutes are a clear vioation of the Open Meeting Law.
The purpose of the Open Meeting Law is to eliminate much of the secrecy surrounding the deliberations and decisions on which public policy is based. It accomplishes this purpose by requiring open discussion of governmental action at public meetings. The requirements of the Open Meeting Law grow out of the idea that the democratic process depends on the public having knowledge about the considerations underlying governmental action, for without that knowledge people are not able to judge the merits of action taken by their representatives.
The overriding intent of the Open Meeting Law is therefore to foster and indeed require open discussion of governmental action at public meetings
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
How about videotaping the commission meeting like they do the Worcester City Council meetings on Tuesday.
W.T. I approached Mr. DiPasquale earler this year at Community Access Channel 13 about this very same topic: videotaping the meetings. I don't know whatever came of his initial positive reaction to send someone up to the airport on Tuesday evenings, but given that the Minutes have become so devoid of substance for the public, it would be great if you could facilitate the deployment of a camera to record the monthly event. It would have to be with the Commissions' blessing and they of course would reserve the right to edit the content for reasons we have been explained. But I understand what Bill is saying that he feels they are not complying with the Open Meeting law. By the way, Bill, how does 10,000 hits in the past month compare to other sites? Is that dramatically higher/par? I just don't have a frame of reference. Also, great idea getting someone from WoMag up there on a regular basis. What about their agenda? Is that published for the public prior to meetings? I asked the city about this but don't know what came of the idea.
There was post here months ago re these minutes and my recollection is that I questioned who was taking the minutes and and answer was they were taken by Mr Waldens secretary. I thought this was clearly a conflict of interest or a potential conflict of interest.
Shouldn't the person who records the monutes be completely independent of anyone on the baord or at the airport? Then the first thing they do every meeting is sign off on the minutes ( incomplete) of teh previous months meeting??
Consistent with full disclosure, the entire airport enterprise financial/operarational picture s/b be placed on an internet data base so that the public can access it 24/7. This would be Similar to how the treasurers office has property tax data available.
Every bill paid, every landing every incoming check should all be posted contemporaneously everyday just like a banks real time financial operating system, only the citys s/b on he internet for the city shareholders and Wall St. to accesss as needed.
Frankly, the entire citys finances and operations s/b similarly posted.
Why should a citizen or a citty councillor have to file a request for info that could be readily made available via the internet? Think of the hours of employee time that could be saved and how quickly the requestor can have the data they want. NMr Obrien likes to run things in a busines like fashion, let's open up the books and city operations 24/7.
Taxpayers can watch daily as the health ins expense or pension exp. or paid sick leave slowly breaks the citys finances.
Call City Hall and tell them what you think! Their number is (508)799-1175. I've called/spoken to Jackie many times and believe your suggestion has merits!
Absolutely, the person taking notes should be impartial and summarize all discussions for public review. Can this happen with the limitations that full disclosure puts on the Commission, with businesses they might be discussing interested in what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day? No.
Conflicts of interest: here the city is apparently selectively discriminatory. Did you know no city employee can serve on a board or commission, even where the possibility of conflict is remote to the point of non-existence?
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