November 30, 2012


Another RKG Clarification

There is absolutely nothing in the report that suggests we should close not one CDC!    Nothing....   The only recommendation is that we should look into other ways we can allocate monies that are given to the city for Housing..  

Chamber & Shrewsbury Street

I hope nobody underestimates these two groups coming together to agree on a tax rate!!!   The amount of time we will save versus having to go through the same annual ritual....

Instead now we will have time to address the real issue--the eroding tax base.   Lets hope this is the first of many thing that these two groups, who only have the best interest of Worcester in mind, will work on together that will increase the tax base and reduce the tax bills for both commercial and residential property owners. 

Great job Stuart and Gary!!!  

November 29, 2012

Chamber of Commerce and Shrewsbury Street Neighborhood Association Reach Agreement on Taxes

WORCESTER – The Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Shrewsbury Street Neighborhood Association announced today a joint position for the upcoming Worcester City Council Tax Classification hearing, scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 7 pm at Worcester City Hall.

In an effort to present a unified position and to mobilize the community as one, the Chamber and Shrewsbury Street Neighborhood Association, met to find common ground. Facing the reality of increasing tax bills, both sides sought to ease the burden as equally as possible. The newly minted collaboration is putting their collective support behind Line 185 from the tax table being considered at the hearing. Line 185 sets a residential tax rate of $18.58 and a commercial tax rate of $30.85, both representing a 4% increase to each tax class.

“I was happy to work with Gary on this issue and delighted that we could come to an amicable agreement,” stated Richard B. Kennedy, President and CEO of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce. “This is a significant step in the direction of progress with the community, residents and businesses, working together to improve our city.”

“The Chamber has been a voice for businesses for many years, as I have tried to be a voice for the residents,” began Gary J. Vecchio, President of the Shrewsbury Street Neighborhood Association. “Now, we can both be voices for the entire community of Worcester. This rate ensures that both sides share equally in helping to provide for the needs of City Government.”

The Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Shrewsbury Street Neighborhood Association each encourage their members to contact their city councilors and urge them to vote for Line 185.
Buoyed by the successful conversations between the Chamber of Commerce and the Shrewsbury Street Neighborhood Association, several other groups have joined in the chorus of voices supporting the parity of Line 185. They are: the Worcester Citizens for Business; William T. Breault, Chair of the Main South Alliance for Public Safety; the Shrewsbury Street Merchants Association; Edith Morgan; the Webster Square Business Association; Leonard Ciuffredo; and James Magay of the Lincoln Street Area Business Association.

November 28, 2012

Chander Business Association President

Dear Worcester City Council Members:

It is not the Chandler Street Business Association's fault that the CDC's in the city are being investigated by HUD or that HUD money is being withheld to them as stated by Mr. Teasdale last night-not following rules that HUD has in place are the reason-these are the same rules that the Chandler Street Business Association has had to follow with it's NRSA funds.

It is also highly insulting for Mr. Teasdale to refer to residents and business owners who have invested thousands of hours of their own personal time and millions of dollars of their own hard earned dollars into the neighborhoods to be referred to as a few business men who have a grudge against the CDC's. This comment last night is indicative of how some of the CDC Directors have treated people who do not agree with them or have other opinions on how our neighborhoods should be redeveloped.

The Chandler Street Business Association has bent over backwards the past ten years attempting to work with Worcester Common Ground over issues related to 48 Mason Street,properties on Piedmont Street and properties on Dewey Street that have greatly effected the quality of life and business in our neighborhoods-some of you have attended our community meetings with WCG hoping for us to find common ground and resolve.

There is page after page of Worcester Inspectional Services reports on code violations associated with the above properties Worcester Common Ground owns or has owned-these housing violations as stated greatly effecting our neighborhoods quality of life and business pocketbooks. This is not a "he said she said" issue-the failure to follow community rules that are expected of others is very real and it needs to be addressed as part of this proposed new housing policy.

Our efforts working with SMOC this past year on the relocation of the Triage and Assessment Center is indicative of our strong commitment to our neighborhood and our willingness to constructively work together with others on tough urban issues-SMOC treated us like stakeholders not peasants and the project got completed responsibly for the benefit of the city, SMOC constituents and the neighborhood.

Many in the Chandler Street Business Association were also here 20-30 years ago and were also investing in the same neighborhoods with their own hard earned capital-it is incorrect to suggest by some last night that the CDC's redeveloped these neighborhoods single handedly-I personally was buying and rehabbing in the Main South/Piedmont section of the city since the late 1980's and I live in the Piedmont neighborhood not elsewhere as most CDC Directors do-see house below.

There were numerous statements made last night by Mr.Teasdale about monies his CDC has invested in the neighborhood-he should be reminded that those monies are tax payer dollars not his or the CDC's and it is our right as tax payers to be able to question how those dollars are spent especially tax payer dollars spent in our neighborhoods that many in the Chandler Street Business Association live in, work in and play in.

The Chandler Street Business Association has never advocated for the elimination of the CDC's but it has advocated for a trimming of the amount in District 4, from three CDC's to one CDC.

The City of Worcester is not unlike many Massachusetts cities such as: Charlestown, South Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, Mattapan, Chelsea, Everett, Somerville & Haverhill that at one time had many tough neighborhoods that are now on the rebound - conversations presented last night that revisited decade's past lack of private development that the above cities also experienced is not beneficial to today's discussion of middle class urban renewal in Worcester-if this was the case then Shrewsbury Street and the Canal District would not be on the path they are on today because they to were tough urban neighborhoods not to long ago.

In conclusion, the City of Worcester and most particular District 4 have evolved from when I bought the house below on Chandler Street and rehabbed it in 1992 but the CDC's have not operating on the same argument that the urban neighborhoods of Worcester in 1992 are the same Worcester urban neighborhoods of 2012 and many more than just 5 or 6 business people disagree.

Please reserve a spot at the committee hearings for members of the Chandler Street Business Association that includes business owners and residents. Thank you for your time.


The Executive Director of the Main South CDC challenged anyone to visit their properties and see the quality of their work.   

For the record, the Main South CDC does quality work and I have never questioned the workmanship .   I have, however, always questioned the monies that are spent per unit, averaging 300k per unit.     Also, as George Russell pointed out last night, deed restricted home ownership is not true home ownership. 

Look forward to the Economic Committee meetings and the implementation of the recommendations in the report, which again nobody questioned. 

November 27, 2012

Council Meeting on Housing

Did not have a chance to attend, but watched on television.  It was a great discussion and now it will go to the Economic Committee.   Great to see this conversation finally being had.   

One of the most interesting things was that everyone agreed with the recommendations from the report.  Seriously not one recommendation was questioned.   There is absolutely no reason that CDC's, private developers and anyone else cannot work together to meet the recommendations (THAT AGAIN EVERYONE AGREED TO) in the report.  

This is not about the past, but the future.    Look forward to moving forward to see the recommendations in the report become a reality!  

Hanover Insurance

Rumor that they are buying property on the Common heating up...  

Soarin with Santa

Worcester Flight Academy
Advantage Benefits
DJ Martin Foley
Jenn Roy &  Barry Gadbois

Startin to really shape up click here.    Come watch Santa fly in and have a free picture taken with Santa

Hope to see you all there!!  

RKH Housing Report

Let's hope people stick to the facts and say exactly what recommendation that they do not like in the RKG report and why?

This is not a battle over whether we should stop building "affordable" housing or not.    Nobody can do this..    The is a question as to what the City should do with their monies

We have two options:

  1. Continue what they have been doing and keep subsidizing more "affordable" housing projects.
  2. City of Worcester stop subsidizing "affordable" developers and put them on a level playing field with any other property owner/developer.  If we did this then we could make changes; for example, give monies directly to qualified home-owners in targeted districts to do their own repairs.
It is really that simple...   My vote is for option 2).

November 26, 2012

Daughter preparing for the Oval

We hacve done alot of roller skating first time on skates Sunday on Lake Ave...

The Oval and Advantage

We are putting down some cash to be have our company listed on the boards as a sponsor.

Live cam

November 25, 2012


Here are some points we discussed:

  1. RKG study is dam good.   If you do not think that it is, then point out one conclusion that you do not like and explain what is wrong with it.
  2. Affordable units are not below market rents.
Let's now talk about 40B.    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts targets each city/town to have 10% "affordable" units.  If a town or city does not have the 10% threshold, a developer can come in,  propose to build "affordable" units and basically escape the local ordinances regarding developing.  

Let me give you an example, say you have a town with only 5% "affordable" number.  A developer comes into that town and proposes "affordable" units,  that does not meet what is required by the local zoning authority (lot size, frontage,  etc).   If the local zoning tries to deny the permit, the developer, as a 40B project, can go to the Commonwealth and get approval.     Typically this does not happen, since the developer usually sits down with the town and makes a deal and then everyone calls it a "friendly" 40B.    Truth be told there is nothing "friendly" about it . 

This is an oversimplification, but it it gets the point across.   In Worcester, a developer can not claim 40B status and supercede the local zoning boards, since we already the 10%. That it a moot, since developers of "affrodable" housing, not Dodge Park, get pretty much everything they ask for locally and do not have to appeal to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.    

Here is my point the City of Worcester can not cap "affordable" housing.   Developers can keep building all the "affordable" units that they in Worcester even though we already exceeded the 10% threshold.  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not have a cap for each town and city.  We can have 100% "affordable", if you want.'  

The only thing the city can do is control the purse strings!     In other words, follow the money.  This is not an arguement about the level of "affordable" units we should or should not have, but whether the City of Worcester should continue to subsidize their construction.  

I feel these monies could be used better elsewhere.  Namely let's target qualified home-owners in targeted districts with grant monies to improve their houses?    Two years ago the Chandler NRSA had approximately 15 people (at an average of about 15K per house) who took advantage of the program and invested in the owner-occupied houses.    I say we do more of that, versus spending 300,000 to construct one rental unit. 

Proposed Ice Skating rink at library

I am totally confused.   It was my understanding was that the colleges were going to mainly pay for it???    Can anyone direct me to budget numbers/proposals. 

November 24, 2012

Freakonomics on Park Privatization

Click here

Privatize Parks


Check this out

Affordable Housing 101

Lets take an example of a 3 unit building that will cost an agency 500,000 to redevelop:
  1. buy the property
  2. then sit on it up two years or more
  3. apply everywhere for grant monies to build afforable housing
  4. assemble on average 90% of the monies you need in grants (450,000)
  5. 50,000 of your own money into the project

3 years later the project is done and the agency only has 50,000 invested and need to rent the three units out to tenants that meet the "affordable" guidelines so as to not have to pay back the 450,000.

Here is my question imagine if we were able to take the same 450,000 and:

  1. give it out to current home-owners (there are tons) who meet income guidelines to repair their houses like we did with the NRSA. There is a huge need.   
  2. give these monies in matching monies to qualified people to buy one of the many vacant houses in the city.

The question here is what is the highest and best use of the monies, in this example 450,000.

November 21, 2012

Common Skating rink

Not sure if I will be there for the opening, but I will definately spend some time there this winter with my daughter.

CDC rents

There is common misconception that CDC's rent apartments well below market rents.  I am not saying they should not get whatever rent the market bears.

Here are the facts check for yourself


Affordable housing is not synonmous with below market rents.   It only means the renter meets certain income guidelines so that the developer does not have to pay back the grant monies that were given to build or rehab the project.

November 20, 2012


Pushed off another week? 

November 19, 2012

Kudos to Walter Bird

Here is his story on the Housing Report !  

Note his factual approach.

Again RKG are very good at this , they base their report completely on facts and statistics.  I hope that we follow their lead and approach this together and improve the City of Worcester..

Housing Policy tomorrow night

There will be alot of hyperbole tomorrow night.  Words like gentrification will be thrown around.

I have one request.  Can someone, anyone specifcally site a recommendation in the entire report that they do not like?

Just one and why.... 

Skating Rink

Can someone forward costs and who is paying what for it?


MassPort Bid

CAT III ILS & Taxiway Improvements

Contract: W212-D1

Location: Worcester Airport

Opportunity Type Professional

Advertised Date 10/25/2012

Bid Date

Sub Bid Date

Qualification Due 11/29/2012 12:00 PM

Qualification Location Capital Programs Dept One Harborside Dr Suite 209S E Boston MA

Pre-Bid Conference

Bid Opening

Sub Bid Opening

Bid Info Bid Info

Sub Bid Info


Description Implementation of a CAT III Instrument Landing System and associated taxiway improvements at Worcester Airport.

Project Manager Richard Bessom

Links PlanHolders

Scope of Work:

Runway 11-29 is 7,000 feet long and 150 feet wide. At present, Runway 11-29 is equipped with FAA instrumentation referred to as Category I (CAT I) which allows arrivals during poor visibility down to 1,800 feet runway visual range (RVR). Massport has determined that seeking to upgrade ORH’s all-weather capability including needed supporting technical and taxiway infrastructure is a safety and operational priority for the airport. Additionally, access to the Runway 11 end currently requires back-taxiing approximately 3,000 feet on the runway itself. Likewise, this main runway must serve as a taxiway after arrival on Runway 29. New supporting taxiway infrastructure for access to and from Runway 11 is essential for facilitating the installation and operation of a CAT III system. A critical component of this effort is extensive coordination with the FAA given the goal that the FAA will take-over and maintain the ILS/CAT III system once installed and accepted by the FAA. The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines, including but not limited to, federal and state environmental permitting, aviation planning, FAA regulations, civil, structural and electrical engineering, cost estimating, construction phasing, sustainable design, and community outreach. The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to data collection, aviation industry analysis, computer modeling and simulations, preliminary design, prepare and file all applicable environmental permit applications including a joint MEPA/NEPA review, and conduct public outreach and meetings. Consultant will be required to prepare and assess alternatives to the proposed project including environmental impact assessments with careful consideration to avoidance, minimization and mitigation strategies

Awarded To:

General Contractor

Contract Value

Contract Awarded Date

Projected Completion Date


W212-D1 (20.7k) updated Wednesday, October 24, 2012

November 17, 2012

Soarin with Santa

December 8th


DJ Martin Foley will supply music

Worcester Flight Academy will fly Santa in to ORH 

Skating Rink

Been reading about this alot.     The idea of the colleges getting together and pooling resources to build a skating rink is not a bad idea..   Take a look at the rinks in Marlboro.   Six skating rinks constantly rented out, imagine how many people go there that end up shopping somewhere else on Solomon Pond Road???

I will admit, however, the more I look at it -- I am not too sure about the library parking lot.   What about Wyman Gordon Parcel or South Worcester Industrial Park??  

As far as a office/retail building in the library parking lot?  Just do not think downtown Worcester has a need.    The other day I was in the Harvard-Pilgrim offices at Harrington Corner.  The offices are amazing!!   Other then that the rest of the building is pretty much empty and there is already alot of office space and retail space already available downtown.

Bottom line the colleges wanted to build a skating rink should be supported, but lets find another location. 

Frontier Airlines

Very interesting article

November 13, 2012

Soarin with Santa

great event

  • pictures of your children with Santa
  • 100% of monies to a great charity
  • airport Open House
  • meet all the tenants at the airport

More to follow as this all comes into place

Housing Study



The night the Council is going to discuss the recommendations from the RKG Report that the market rate housing developments that we need, Dodge Park, is in the newspaper today?

Dodge Park

50 lot subdivsion on 20 acres "in for fight"?    Obviously it should have to deal with wetlands appropriately, as well any traffic issues.  That said aren't developments like this exactly what we need in Worcester?

Not saying that the neighborhood should not have input as to buffer zones, making the develop put up trees and dealing with traffic, but the headline should be "work with developer"?  

I find it ironic that 50 rental units are placed on lots less then an acre with relief on parking requirments all the time in Main South for affordable housing with the red carpet rolled out....  

November 12, 2012

Housing Policy

On the South Worcester Neighborhood Center Board, I opposed the construction of Southgate Place .  We had just lost Cambridge Street , when Holy Cross stepped in and took over the mortgage payments.  

I could go on and on, but read Boston Globe editorial on the gateway Cities Initiative.  It is spot on, read this.   It will take one minute to read it .  Please do.  When I opposed Southgate, the developer from Newton and 50% owner of Southgate Place asked me "why do I hate poor people?"

I bring this up since as we discuss the recommendations from RKG, this same comment will most likely come up again as well as gentrification.    Nothing could be further from the truth.  

Last paragraph of the editorial:  

Affordable housing remains a vital need across the Commonwealth, from Boston to Springfield to Pittsfield. But it won’t bring the upper middle class back to gateway cities, and it won’t create enough new customers for the shops and restaurants that give life to Main Street. At this moment, the ability of the gateway cities to serve their current citizens depends on a larger tax base, and there are signs that higher-income people want to come back to city centers. The state owes its gateway cities programs that help them to seize this opportunity now.

November 11, 2012

Telegram Bill Fortier

Flipping through some newspapers and ran across his last article as he has retired from the Telegram.

Good read.  Hope you enjoy your retirement.


MassPort to date

Would I have wanted more?  Of course but that said:

  • Rectrix is a huge improvement
  • jetBlue looks like a definate
  • CAT III landing system is coming

Not bad first 18 months under full control and ownership of MassPort. 

RKG Housing Report Tuesday

If you look at the report  and recommendations...

What exactly can someone disagree with???    The City Mgr has a summary (1-3) and then Economic Development has their own summary (4-11).  

Kind of tought to read the whole report, but flip through first 11 pages and tell me what recommendation is bad?  


How many puff stories can you write about SWIP?   Guess there is no end in sight with the cover story from WoMag this week.  

Try this for a story, how did Worcester miss out on Quest?   Think about it.   Quest is a national firm that specializes in lab testing.  They are moving in big to Massachusetts, where in Central Mass their biggest competition was UMASS.

Why did I say was?  They bought them out.  When they bought out UMASS they mentioned how they were looking to build a big facility in Central Massachusetts.   Can you say Worcester, can you say Wyman Gordon parcel, can you say SWIP??
Well, don't instead say Marlboro.  October 25, 2012-- Read it and weep.     Meanwhile back at the ranch SWIP is working on a marketing plan some 20 years after creation.

Quest Diagnostics Inc. has agreed to move into the former Hewlett-Packard office complex in Marlborough, moving more than 950 jobs to the city, according to a person with direct knowledge of the deal.
The New Jersey-based provider of medical testing services will spend more than $75 million to create a Northeast laboratory facility on the former Hewlett-Packard site, which has been vacant for more than two years, according to the source, who was not authorized to speak publicly because the deal has not been announced.

Telegram story on airport

Click here

November 09, 2012

WoMag story on SWIP

In case you missed this:

In 2010, the nonprofit Worcester Business Development Corporation, reported $1.8 million in revenues from program services, grants and investments earned while the organization promoted economic development and job creation.

Salaries and benefi ts for WBDC’s 10-member staff were $1.1 million with then president

David Forsberg taking home $235,000 in regular pay and $42,000 in other compensation and then-VP and current president Craig Blais earning $167,000 with another $41,000 in added compensation.

In case you are wondering that is 485,000 in annual compensation between the President and Vice-President of the WBDC.   


WoMag cover story

How about three hard hitting journalistic questions:

  1. How long have we worked on SWIP?
  2. How much money has been invested?
  3. How many jobs have been created?

My answers

  1. 20 years
  2. 20,000,000
  3. 0

My god , please pull the plug on this!!  How about this--- auction off parcels and say Philly Plan:

  1. taxes will be locked in at purchase price for 10 years
  2. no permitting fees
  3. no water/sewer connection fees

 Instead we are  talking about an application for a  grant from the state towork on a marketing plan, some 20 years after we started??  Let me say that again we do not have a marketing plan !!!!!!!!  Or business plan and have worked on this for 20+ years and have invested $20 million dollars???  

 If we change the name of the park, it will make a huge difference.

November 07, 2012

Chamber of Commerce

I have been a long out-spoken critic of the Chamber of Commerce, sometimes referring to it as the sleeping Chamber.   Happy to say there are things changing over at the Chamber and the days of the once a year Letter to the Editor and the annual appearance at City Hall to advocate against the lowest residential rates are behind them.  They need to be  active 12 months per year.

Lots of good things are starting to happen that will truly represent the interests of businesses.   As a result for the first time, we have joined the Chamber of Commerce.    All I ask is that as see new programs roll out, please join the Chamber with us.

Application and check to Stuart Loosemore

November 05, 2012



1. Develop a program for rehabilitation and renovation of the existing housing supply to address code and maintenance issues and promote environmental improvements tolower annual energy costs. The program should focus on properties owned by income eligible individuals, with a focus on properties constructed before 1940.

2. Restructure existing Federally funded programs (i.e., HOME, CDBG) to focus on home purchase or rehabilitation financing assistance to eligible homeowners and new homebuyers.

3. Develop a Healthy Homes program and commit annual funding to support low- and moderate-income residents for core systems such as heating, roof repair, insulation, electrical, and plumbing.

Housing policy

The City of Worcester housing policy has  direct effect on :
  1. Schools
  2. Public Safety
  3. Economic Development
  4. Tax Base thus tax bills for home-owners

Pretty much everything...  

VIP coming to ORH

not jetBlue--sorry

VIP coming to ORH next month.

Stay tuned, more to follow..

Reuse vacant units


1. Strengthen existing pre-purchase and post-purchase education/counseling programs andforeclosure prevention programs for potential homeowners and tenants. This shouldinclude in-depth review of household needs, resources, financial literacy, and available housing options.

2. Identify incentives for individuals and families who purchase and rehabilitate vacant and/or foreclosed properties. For example, commit additional resources for downpayment assistance and rehabilitation assistance for vacant/ foreclosed properties.

3. Explore Rent-to-Own Programs for vacant unsold properties.

4. Explore emergency mortgage assistance program models that include counseling and direct lending services to prevent foreclosure.

5. Establish a property manager/tenant-based rental program that reduces the barriers to entry for qualified renters (e.g., property management education/counseling/ assistance).

6. Establish a purchase and refinancing program for property owners at risk of losing their home to foreclosure (example: Boston Community Capital’s SUN model).

November 04, 2012

Worcester Rubber Duck Hunt

Daughter and I today looked for 9 rubber ducks today on Shrewsbury Street.    Struck out but had fun and a great afternoon breakfast at the Boulevard. 

Check out the hunt.  Not bad if you have nothing else to do.  Picture of my friend Dave Carlson

Reduce the number of blighted housing units


1. Identify and map neighborhoods with high concentrations of “distressed housing” – house by house, street by street – with a focus on housing in “poor” and “very poor” condition.

2. Engage property owners (identified through M.G.L. 139 process), community-based corporations, neighborhood-based institutions, potential investors/developers, financial institutions, and others to identify financially feasible preferred re-use/ re-development, or reduction, scenarios for vacant properties.

3. Develop a city-wide plan with specific action items for each distressed property (e.g., maintenance, redevelopment, selective demolition, community garden/open space, parking, etc.). Engage financial institutions, education and corporate partners, neighborhood stakeholders, residents, and community-based organizations in the development and the execution of the plan.

4.    Create an interim management program of vacant, abandoned, or foreclosed properties (e.g., receivership, Foreclosure Ordinance) to assist in the acquisition and management of these properties. This program should include funding to assist with board-ups, and monitoring of these properties.

November 03, 2012

Housing Report

Here is an over simplification but if you like the direction the City of Worcester Housing Stock is going then we should keep doing what we are doing.

If you think we need to make changes, then you need to support the recommendations by RKG.  

Every day from now to the Council Meeting I will touch on one of the recommendations or points brought up in this report. 

Housing policy

The Housing Polidy adopted by the City of Worcester, I dare say is the most important policy a city has.  It has a direct effect on:

  1. Schools
  2. Tax Base
  3. Economic Development
  4. Public Safety
Versus waiting till tax rate time and saying you want the "lowest residential tax rate", we need a strong Housing market that creates a strong tax base and lowers everyone's tax bill.

Urge readers of this blog to contact their councilors and support the Housing Policy recommendation outlined by RKG.

November 02, 2012

My friend Paul Collyer on Housing Report

Hola Worcester City Council;

There is a lot happening in District 4 and it is happening privately.....Artie Mooradian has a new project at the ole Sunoco gas station at Piedmont and Main that is going to include retail and foodie (see pic attached)..he also has a new cafe on Main called Straight Up Cafe....over on Park Avenue Wilson Wang is opening his second restaurant at the former Store 16 and in between it and Baba Sushi he is putting in a Japanese garden (see pic below and attached) where there was once asphalt......Ed Hyder is developing on Pleasant Street and on Chandler Street.....EVO & Worcester House of Pizza are incredible new developments and I am turning a former drug haven into a New Orleans style cafe and have been developing quality privately financed housing that is now tenanted by Baba Sushi chefs & bartenders, Boynton chefs and a owner of a downtown cafe by the courthouse....there are many other examples that one can see just driving around- "the times they are a changin'" and it's time that the Worcester City Council take closer notice of these happenings....

The days of private investment being non-existent in District 4 are long gone....there are folks investing and more folks out there willing as long as they hear positive messages coming from city government and those investing about the city's urban core!

The proposed new housing policy makes sense....the city needs more middle class urban dwellars and we as investors need them also.....there are enough safety net resources for the needy in our District 4 neighborhoods-what these folks need are jobs and with our investments and future private investments we can provide these jobs....but we need customers who have jobs and disposable income.

This may be the city's last chance to attract back to the urban core the middle class-the next economic boom is around the corner-the city is ready and so is District 4 to take advantage of this but we need the Worcester City Council putting us in the right position....there are many urban zones around the region that are pushing forward...spending all of our time on more no-lo income housing in an area already doing it's part is not putting us in this's time that the Worcester City Council take the time to closely listen to those who have also been rolling up their sleeves but are reaching into their own pockets to make District 4 a viable exciting place to work and do business.. ...time to listen to those who own and live here, pay property taxes here, own business here over many who don't but always know what's better for the area.

It is a new era, the days of boarded up buildings and empty trash strewn lots are the past-Worcester's urban core can be an exciting place to live and do business in but it is gonna take some common sense thinking and commitment-I know I have made a commitment as have many of my neighbors and fellow investors.


Paul Collyer

Chandler Street Business Association

November 01, 2012

Housing Study

pages 1 - 11 give a good summary

RKG Housing Report

Study needs to have an outside official Housing Report done to justify how they spend Federal (and I imagine) state funds on housing.  In other words, they can not just spend the money any way they want.  They need to follow the recommendations of the plan, assuming of course the City Council accepts the plan.

This past Tuesday the plan was brought up for the 2nd time and was tabled again until November 13th.   Personally I think RKG nailed it and te recommendations are spot on..

Lets hope the Council agrees.   I will post a link to the report as soon as I find it. 


Very interesting story in Boston Herald